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Код 206692
Дата создания 06 мая 2017
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In I.V. Arnold’s classification there are also sentence equivalents, proverbs, sayings and quotations, e.g. «The sky is the limit», «What makes him tick», «I am easy». Proverbs are usually metaphorical, e.g. «Too many cooks spoil the broth», while sayings are as a rule non-metaphorical, e.g. «Where there is a will there is a way».
Phraseology is a fragment of the worldview. Phraseological units are always directed to the subject, ie they arise not so much to describe the world, how to interpret, evaluate, and express to him a subjective attitude. This is what distinguishes idioms and metaphors from other nominative units .
Concluding this chapter it is necessary to point out that different classifications are based on the different aspects and we can use all of them to make more clear unde ...



Introduction 3
1 The Concept and the Types of the Phraseological Units 5
1.1 The Concept of Phraseology and Phraseological Units 5
1.2 Different Attitudes to the Classification of the Phraseoligical Units 9
1.3 Ways of the Idiom Construction 13
2 Specific Features and Usage of the Proper Noun in the Idioms 15
2.1 Proper Nouns and Its Usage in Language 15
2.2 Groups of the Proper Nouns 16
2.3 Idioms with Proper Names 17
2.3.1 Sources of the Idioms with Proper Names 17
2.3.2 Structure of the Idioms with Proper Names 22
Conclusion 28
Literature 29



The problem of «people and language» and «language and culture» becomes lately more and more important. It becomes apparent that an adequate study of language is possible only if departing from the «outside», when referring to a person - the creator of the language, and this approach is possible only on a particular national language material.
Our research is dedicated to the proper names used in phraseological units.
Phraseology is an important part of any language. By learning phraseology we can see many specific features of the language and culture.
From the other hand, proper names also have a very bright national colouring, even the name of the same origin seems different because of the language features. Material and spiritual culture is reflected in language. In the content of linguistic units at different levels reflect all stages of development of the ethnic group, all forms and methods of its life.
It seems promising to explore the usage of the proper name in the phraseological units. Proper names play an important role in the vocabulary of any language, including English.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the usage of the proper names in the idioms. This purpose gives an opportunity to describe the problems of the research, which are:
1) to give a description of phraseology and phraseological units as its main object;
2) to describe the role and the types of the proper names in English;
3) to write out from the dictionaries idioms containing proper names and analyze theirs structure, stylistic features and usage.
4) So the subject of study of our study is the idioms themselves and the object of our study is their role in language and culture.
In our research we have used the following methods: description, comparison, study of the literature on the subject, which allow us to solve the theoretical problems of our research and sampling, element of semantic, component and structural analysis which allow us to solve the practical problems of our research.

Список литературы


1. Artemova A.F., Leonovich O.A. Proper Names in the Idioms. Inostrannyj jazyk. 2003. №4. p. 73-78.
2. Beshaj L. Motivation and Etymology of Phraseological Units in English and Albanian Language. On-line source. URL: http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/viewFile/1894/1893. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
3. English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions. On-line source. URL: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
4. Idioms and Proverbs with Proper Names. On-line source. URL: http://usefulenglish.ru/idioms/idioms-proverbs-with-proper-names. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
5. Ignatovich Y.P. Phraseological Units with Proper Names in English Language. On-line source. URL: http://rae.ru/forum2012/pdf/1101.pdf. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
6. Katermina V.V. Proper Noun as a Proper Name. Krasnodar, 1998. 297 p.
7. Kuchesheva I.L. Proper Names as Terms in English Culture. Omsk, 2912. 163 p.
8. Kunin A.V. English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. M.: Russkiy Yazyk, 1984. 944 p.
9. Kunin A.V. The Cource of the Modern English Phraseology. M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1996. 381 p.
10. Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
11. Pierini P. Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology. On-line source: Lingustik Online. URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/36_08/pierini.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
12. Proper Names in Idioms. On-line source. URL: http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Proper-Names-in-Idioms-148041.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
13. Proper Nouns. On-line Source: English Grammar. URL: http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/nounproper.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
14. The Free Dictionary.com. On-line source. URL: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
15. Urdang L. (ed.) Longman Dictionary of English Idioms. Harlow and London: Longman Group UK Ltd, 1996. 388 p.
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