
My plans for the future / Мои планы на будущее на английском с переводом

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"My plans for the future/Мои планы на будущее" на английском с переводом ...


Планы на будущее, написано грамотно и много


Today, in this essay I woud like to tell you about my plans for the future/Сегодня в этом эссе я хотел бы рассказать вам о своих планах на будущее

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

I dare say I had never thought what to do when I graduated from my school. My parents asked me a lot of times what did I want to do. In the beginning it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my opinion a lot of times about which field of science or industry it is worth to specialize in. It was a complicated issue to make up my mind and choose one of the thousands of honourable professions to those me and my abilities might be better suited. But at last I decided about my future profession. As I had been a fond of computers, I had chosen a career field in an information security. I had researched a number of specialties and spoken with people in related fields to get an idea of what I would like to do.
Life is quite difficult now, so I want to havea well-paid job. I intended to choose a profession related to the increase of my living standards. I know that the information security specialist's job is quite difficult and very responsible but at the same time it's very interesting one. And with the development of industry and technology, it is one of the more popular careers in the modern world. With recent advances in technology, the world is changing rapidly in many fields, and IT is the most dynamic one. It is very important for me to keep up with these changes.
But the spiritual needs are also significant for the enlightened modern man. And frequently their progress can give to raise professional person’s choice. I also want to realize myself in my hobby. I would like my work to be connected with technics because I don't like to communicate with people at all.
But I think not only about my future profession. I want to travel around the world and to practice my experience. I hope that after I graduate from the University I will work at a large company in my native country or abroad. I’m eager to visit England, Germany, Australia, and of course the USA. I want my English to be good to communicate with people. It will also help me to improve my command of English.
Nowadays the role of a foreign language in the world is substantial and undeniable. The knowledge of foreign languages opens up a whole different world, makes it possible to communicate with people from different countries, helps understand their way of life, traditions and culture. No one has any doubt that learning foreign languages is so considerable. The practical lessons at schools are not enough to help with a foreign language.
English is the most universal language as the official language in nearly forty countries. It is spoken by more than 350 millions people and also spoken as a second language in many parts of India and Africa. Besides, millions of people study English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities. It is important for me to learn English because I want to know what is going on round me in the world.
It should be also noted that today it's practically impossible to claim a higher job status without knowledge of a foreign language (especially English). So I have the great desire to master speech activity in English.
After the choice had been done, the time to enter the educational institution had come. I had prepared to my future exams thoroughly in order to enter a top-ranking university. Now I'm a 20 years old student of State Technological University of Astrakhan. My specialty is an Information Security. We have great teachers who are not only the sources of knowledge but also an organizers, managers and monitors. They direct the students, and the students improve themselves. Often a wise rector encouraged me to self-education, which sometimes gives more knowledge than my education at school.
In general, the education is an important phase of formation of the personality. For students, this is a significant step into the successful future. Modern education should be aimed not only at increasing knowledge and the development of the individual characteristics of each student, but it is to be intended to teach people to find their place, their niche in life, to form their cultural space.
The education is an integral part of modern life. One of the greatest happiness of man is the recognition of his own goal and the meaning of life. The education should exactly help solve the most important secret of human existence. A main purpose of life is simple: learning and improvement. As the Russian proverb says, live and learn. The main purpose of education is to grow a citizen of a country, a man of harmony. Of course, such a man is to be enlightened and moral.
However, there are some problems. Often it is especially hard for the university graduate to find a job. Or it might happen that you have a profession that you love, and you suddenly lose your job. The rate of unemployment is steadily increasing. In some cases, you might find that the employment agencies are not able to help you. In this situation you must help yourself and try to improve your chances of entering the job market by attending various vocational training courses. That's the reason I attend many adult education courses. This opportunity will give me a great advantage for my future career.
My first two years of college have been not only an exploration of knowledge but also of myself. I have noticed that my tastes and opinions are changing as I am getting older, not as influenced by my family. I am becoming my own person. Things I once enjoyed I no longer find interesting and things I despised in the past are now appealing me.
I have also learned to notice certain things that at one point did not bother me. For example, in grade school if there was something I may have known a little bit about but did not understand it did not bother me. I just simply did not care enough to learn the subject thoroughly. But now as soon as I learn something I want to know and understand it fully. This semester I made a great efforts to learn maths as if I apply to the Microsoft.
In my second year of college there are a number of things I had learned about myself. I have learned about my strength and weaknesses. I had learned to make goals and to plan my day. I had to take in numerous considerations in making my decisions.
I’m going to start a family later after graduation the University because I think that it’s very important to get good qualifications first. If I have good qualifications, I’ll get a good salary and will be able to support my family and my parents.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is an advantage to choose one's future career while at school. It gives us a goal to work towards and enables us to choose a suitable course of study. I’d like to mention also that if we don’t think about our future, nobody will think for us, so we just can’t have it. We must work hard to realize our ambitions and wishes, because future is purchased by the present. And I can’t help mentioning the quotation: "Every man is the maker of his own fortune."
Мои планы на будущее
Сегодня в этом эссе я хотел бы рассказать вам о своих планах на будущее. Я полагаю, что планирование является одной из самых трудных вещей в нашей жизни. Но планирование – общеизвестное свойство человека, и каждый человек думает о том, что он или она захочет сделать в ближайшем будущем. Для выпускников это самый важный вопрос. Окончание школы -- это начало серьезной жизни, это гораздо более значительное исследование способностей и характера.
Окончив школу, миллионы молодых людей начинают самостоятельную жизнь. Пришло время выбрать будущую профессию. Но сделать правильный выбор не так-то просто. Некоторые молодые люди начинают работать, некоторые идут в бизнес, а другие продолжают учиться.
Мы начинаем думать о нашей будущей жизни в период учебы в школе. На сегодняшний день в мире насчитывается более 2000 профессий. Очень важно выбрать наилучшую специальность, но сделать это также довольно сложно. Некоторые подростки следуют сердцу, в то время как другие следуют советам своих родственников, учителей и родителей, потому что те могут лучше сориентировать их и помочь выбрать наиболее подходящую профессию.
Я осмелюсь сказать, что никогда не думал, что делать, когда заканчивал школу. Мои родители часто спрашивали меня, кем я хочу быть. Вначале мне было трудно дать однозначный ответ. С годами я много раз менял свое мнение о том, в какой области науки или отрасли стоит специализироваться. Это была сложная проблема -- решиться и выбрать одну из тысяч почетных профессий, для которой я и мои способности являются наиболее подходящими. Но наконец я определился со своей будущей профессией. Поскольку я увлекался компьютерами, я выбрал карьеру в области информационной безопасности. Я изучил ряд специальностей и поговорил с людьми из смежных областей, чтобы понять, чем мне хотелось бы заниматься.
Жизнь сейчас сложная, поэтому я хочу иметь хорошо оплачиваемую работу. Я намеревался избрать профессию, связанную с высоким уровнем жизни. Я знаю, что професссия специалиста по компьютерной безопасности довольно сложная, очень ответственная, но, в то же время, и интересная. И, с развитием промышленности и технологий, это одна из самых популярных профессий в современном мире. С учетом последних достижений в области технологий мир быстро меняется во многих областях, и ИТ является наиболее динамичной сферой. Для меня очень важно идти в ногу с этими изменениями.
Но духовные потребности также важны для просвещенного современного человека. И зачастую их прогресс может увеличивать возможности профессионального выбора человека. Я также хочу реализоваться в своем хобби. Я хотел бы, чтобы моя работа была связана с техникой, потому что я не люблю общаться с людьми.
Но я думаю не только о своей будущей профессии. Я хочу путешествовать по миру и наращивать свой опыт. Я надеюсь, что после окончания университета я буду работать в крупной компании на Родине или за рубежом. Я очень хочу посетить Англию, Германию, Австралию и, конечно, США. Я хочу, чтобы мой английский помогал моему общению с людьми. Это также поможет мне улучшить владение английским языком.

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