
Английский язык 2 вариант,Строительство 2 курс 2 задачи

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Контрольная работа*
Код 195828
Дата создания 23 июня 2017
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полностью переведенный текст без ошибок,05.06.2017 года,защитил в МГТУ на оценку 4.7 заданий в одном варианте.во втором 6 заданий ...


Контрольная работа (вариант 2)

Задание № 1. Read the text and translate the third passage of the text in writing.
Задание № 2. Answer the questions to the text in writing
Задание № 3. Translate into English:
Задание № 4. Fill in the gaps with a word built with the help of these word-building elements: -less, re-, -able, -proof, mufti-
Задание № 5 Read these definitions and choose the words that fit them
Задание № 6 Read the text belowand look carefully at each line. There is a missing word in each line. Only one word is preferable.
Задание № 7 Use a, the or zero article to fill in the gaps.


Задание № 1. Read the text and translate the third passage of the text in writing. Прочтите текст и переведите третий абзац текста в письменной форме.

In recent years, scientific and

technological developments have drastically

changed life on our planet as well as our views

both of ourselves as individuals in society and of

the Universe as a whole.

В последние годы научно-технические разработки коренным образом изменили жизнь на нашей планете, а также наши взгляды как на самих себя, так и на людей в обществе и Вселенной в целом.

Today, science and technology are

closely related. Many modern technologies such

as nuclear power and space flights depend on

science and the application of scientific

knowledge and principles. Each advance in pure

science creates new opportunities for the

development of new ways of making things to

be used in daily life. In turn, technology

provides science with new and more accurate

instruments for its investigation and research.

Technology refers to the ways in which people

use discoveries to satisfy needs and desires, to

alter the environment, to improve their lives.

Throughout human history, men and women

have invented tools, machines, materials and

techniques, to make tbeir lives easier.

Сегодня наука и технология тесно взаимосвязаны. Многие современные технологии, такие как ядерная энергетика и космические полеты, зависят от науки и применения научных знаний и принципов. Каждое продвижение в науке создает новые возможности для развития новых способов производства вещей, которые будут использоваться в повседневной жизни. В свою очередь, технология предоставляют науке новые и более точные инструменты для исследований. Технология относится к способу, как люди используют открытия для удовлетворения потребностей и желаний, для изменения окружающей среды, для улучшения своей жизни. На протяжении всей человеческой истории мужчины и женщины изобретали инструменты, машины, материалы и технологии, чтобы облегчить жизнь

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

F. The intentional use of the senses for a special purpose, e.g. when a seed is germinated, a student records the ... on the events and the changes in form which take place.
6. Insert the indefinite, definite or zero article depending on whether the meaning is general or particular.
The trick is to drop (1)... playing card into (2)... hat resting at your feet. If (3)... card is held vertically when released, it flutters wildly and completely misses (4)... target. Held horizontally, it settles gently, with little wayward motion, directly into (5)... hat.
This phenomenon, sometimes displayed with (6)... coins dropped in (7)... liquids instead of (8)... cards in (9)... air, is not only (10)... subject of (11)... amusement and bets, but also (12)... topic of considerable interest to (13)...researchers studying (14)... chaotic dynamics. It has applications in chemical engineering, meteorology, sedimentology and other fields.
7. Read the text below and look carefully at each line.There is a missing word in each line. Only one word is preferable.
Testing hypotheses
Suppose we want to know a certain type of plant grows well in place A but badly in place B. The first thing do is to put forward a possible reason. Scientists call this a . The next step is to test this hypothesis to find if it is true or not. This is done by carrying out an. Scientists often investigate things first by thinking a hypothesis, and then testing it by observing things by doing experiments. This procedure sometimes called the scientific method.
Variant 2
1. Read the text and translate the third passage of the text in writing.
Science and Technology
In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically changed life on our planet as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the Universe as a whole.
Today, science and technology are closely related. Many modern technologies such as nuclear power and space flights depend on science and the application of scientific knowledge and principles. Each advance in pure science creates new opportunities for the development of new ways of making things to be used in daily life. In turn, technology provides science with new and more accurate instruments for its investigation and research. Technology refers to the ways in which people use discoveries to satisfy needs and desires, to alter the environment, to improve their lives. Throughout human history, men and women have invented tools, machines, materials and techniques, to make tbeir lives easier.
Of course, when we speak of technology today, we are looking at it in a much narrower sense. Generally, we mean industrial technology, or the technology that began about 200 years ago with the development of power-driven machines, growth of the factory system, and mass production of goods that has created the basis for our modern society. Today we often say that we live in an age of science and technology. According to one estimate, 90 % of all the scientists who ever lived, were alive and active in the 1970-s. This increased scientific activity has brought new ideas, processes, and inventions in ever-growing amount. The scientific revolution that began in the 16th century was the first time that science and technology began to work together. Thus, Galileo, who made revolutionary discoveries in astronomy and physics, also built an improved telescope and patented a system of lifting water. However, it was not until the 19th century that technology truly was based on science and inventors began to build on the work of scientists. For example, Thomas Fdison built on the early experiments of Faraday and Henry in his invention of the first practical system of electrical lighting. So too, Edison carried on his investigations until he found the carbon filament for the electric bulb in a research laboratory. This was the first true modern technological research.
In a sense, the history of science and technology is the history of all humankind.
2. Answer the questions to the text in writing.
1. What role has scientific and technological development played in man's life?
2. What proves that science and technology are closely related today?
3. What does the term «technology» refer to?
4. What does the term «industrial technology» mean?
5. How is scientific activity in the 1970-ies estimated?
6. What facts prove that the scientific revolution of the 16th century was the first time that science and technology began to work together?
7. What was the first true modern technological research?
8. How can the history of humankind be described?
3. Translate into English:
1. За последние годы наши взгляды на жизнь на Земле, на человека
как личность, на Вселенную резко изменились.
2. На всем протяжении истории человечества люди изобретали инст­рументы, машины, материалы, технологии и изменяли окружающую среду.
3. Техника в более узком смысле означает промышленную технику,
создавшую основу современного общества.
4. Только в XIX веке техника стала действительно основываться на
работах ученых.
5.Первым действительно научно-техническим исследованием
было исследование Фарадея.
4. Fill in the gaps with a word built with the help of these word-building elements: -less, re-, -able, -proof, mufti-.
The words in italics will help you.
Change the form if necessary.
1. Oxygen has no colour and taste, but although it is ... and ... we can sense immediately if it is missing in the atmosphere.
2. One can observe some organic molecules through a powerful electron microscope. But, normally, molecules are not..., they are too small.
3. People in this area have to be .... They speak the languages of the neighbouring villages.
4. Don't worry about bad weather with these new synthetic materials. The house is completely ....
5. On board a spaceship in the absence of acceleration, objects and people weigh nothing. .... is one the main difficulties for astronauts.
6. The waste is processed for use as fertilizer. The aim to make 95% of it....

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* Категория работы носит оценочный характер в соответствии с качественными и количественными параметрами предоставляемого материала. Данный материал ни целиком, ни любая из его частей не является готовым научным трудом, выпускной квалификационной работой, научным докладом или иной работой, предусмотренной государственной системой научной аттестации или необходимой для прохождения промежуточной или итоговой аттестации. Данный материал представляет собой субъективный результат обработки, структурирования и форматирования собранной его автором информации и предназначен, прежде всего, для использования в качестве источника для самостоятельной подготовки работы указанной тематики.
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