
Nuclear weapons

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Nuclear Weapons of Israel and Pakistan 3
References 7

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

So it is obvious that Chagai-I was the result of over two decades of planning and preparation. Chagai-I is the code name of five simultaneous underground nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan on 28 May 1998.So Pakistan became the seventh of eight nations that have publicly tested nuclear weapons.In Pakistan, the news of the nuclear detonations was met by street celebrations, because Pakistan's nuclear weapons development was in response to neighboring India's development of its nuclear program.With these tests Pakistan abandoned its nuclear ambiguity, stating that it would maintain a "credible minimum deterrent" against India. In 1998, Pakistan commissioned its first plutonium production reactor at Khushab, which is capable of yielding approximately 11 kg of weapons-grade plutonium annually.Nowadays Pakistan has totally 120 warheads, but the amount of the active warheads is unknown. The State of Pakistan nowadays has its own nuclear doctrine, which is  a theoretical concept of military strategy that promotes the deterrence by guaranteeing an immediate «massive retaliation» to an aggressive attacks against the state.In addition, a special danger is uncontrolled spread of nuclear weapons technologies to the Middle East region. Therefore, the issue of control over Pakistan's nuclear program will remain in the spotlightof the world’s attention.Summing up the report I should underline that the status of the nuclear weapons in Israel remains unknown, whereas there is some information of the nuclear weapons in Pakistan. Pakistan has its own nuclear program, though the status of its nuclear weapon is non-NPT,which means that this country has not signed Non-Proliferation of the Nuclear Weapons treaty. Israel keeps its nuclear status secret and objects the spreading of the nuclear weapons in the other Middle eastern countries, because this makes Israel more vulnerable to those countries, which mostly are Muslim.ReferencesPakistan Nuclear Weapons — A Chronology. URL:https://fas.org/nuke/guide/pakistan/nuke/chron.htm. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).Pakistan’s Nuclear Doctrine. URL: http://www.defencejournal.com/apr99/pak-nuclear-doctrine.htm. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).Франц Д. Ядерный потенциал Израиля вызывает разногласия. URL: http://www.sem40.ru/warandpeace/military/ourweapon/8037/. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).Хмелинец С.М. Ядерная программа Исламской Республики Пакистан. URL: http://www.iimes.ru/rus/stat/2004/14-09-04.htm. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).Штейнберг М. Тайны израильской бомбы. URL: http://saba34.narod.ru/bomba.html. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).

Список литературы [ всего 5]

1. Pakistan Nuclear Weapons — A Chronology. URL: https://fas.org/nuke/guide/pakistan/nuke/chron.htm. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).
2. Pakistan’s Nuclear Doctrine. URL: http://www.defencejournal.com/apr99/pak-nuclear-doctrine.htm. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).
3. Франц Д. Ядерный потенциал Израиля вызывает разногласия. URL: http://www.sem40.ru/warandpeace/military/ourweapon/8037/. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).
4. Хмелинец С.М. Ядерная программа Исламской Республики Пакистан. URL: http://www.iimes.ru/rus/stat/2004/14-09-04.htm. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).
5. Штейнберг М. Тайны израильской бомбы. URL: http://saba34.narod.ru/bomba.html. (Date of reference: 07.10.2015).
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