
research paper

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Дата создания 2014
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Источников 10
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Abstract 3
Introduction 4
1. The main characteristics of Impressionism 5
2. The cultural value of Impressionism 8
Conclusion 9
List of references 10

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According to M. Aplatova, "pure Impressionism, probably did not exist ... Impressionism - not a doctrine, it could not be canonized forms ... French impressionist painter, to varying degrees inherent in certain features of impressionism and not impressionism, and if we sift those who departed from Impressionism, there will be only one really Monet, and he is not all pictures are quite impressionistic. "Classic French Impressionism was too narrow, and few whole life remained faithful to its principles, perhaps - Pissarro and Renoir evolved only in appearance.
The term "Impressionism" is much broader than the current names of French painting of the late 19th century. As a creative method, system and attitude expression artist impressionism, probably always present in the history of art long before this word. Spengler in soy book "The Decline of the West," he wrote, "... there is a broad term Impressionism particular world perception, and this is due to the fact that it permeated the whole physiognomy of our late culture. There impressionistic math ... there impressionistic physics ... ethics, tragedy, logic. "According to Spengler, impressionism - one of the characteristics of destruction of the integrity of the world, a sign of "decline of Europe".
The Company has not taken long enough works of the Impressionists, because they did not fit into the canons of painting, and at the time Impressionism and the Bo-Lee Post-Impressionism, were considered outrageous. Impressionism, as is known, carried a different ideology and first shook the firmness of classic, conventional ideals of art. He carried the expression of ideology - the moment that was captured in the picture, will not be repeated more than ever, while the main idea of the classical art was considered a beauty, durability inviolability ideals complex historical subjects - the concept of eternity.
And yet, after the French Impressionist painting the world was different. Artist-ship could not write as before. However, the change of attitude that played such a fateful role for the entire development of the art of the 20th century, were not detachment from the conventions of painting.
List of references
1. Andreev LG Impressionism: see. Feel. Express / Leonid Andre-s. - M .: Geleos, 2005. - 315 p.
2. Bertolini D. Trends in art from Impressionism to the present day: [translated from Italian] / Georgina Bertolini. - Moscow; Reutov: Omega Press, 2011. - 384 p.
3. Brody NV Impressionism: the discovery of light and color: 269 illustrations: [al-bom] / Natalia Brody. - St. Petersburg: Aurora, 2009. - 254 p.
4. Herman M. Impressionism: the founders and followers / MU Herman. - SPb .: Azbuka-classic, 2008. - 516 p.
5. Gurevich PS Cultural Studies: Textbook / PS Gurevich - M .: Knowledge, 2004.- 356 p.
6. Crepaldi G. Impressionism: History, Aesthetics, master, masterpieces: [translated from Italian] / G. Crepaldi. - Reutov: Omega; M: Omega Press, 2008. - 423 p.
7. Cultural Studies: Textbook / Stolyarov DY, Kortunov VV-tion editor responsible Stolyarov DY - M .: "NORMA-INFRA-M", 2013 - 327 p.
8. Markarian ES Theory of culture and modern science: a tutorial / ES Markarian. - M., 2013. - 174 p.
9. Rusakov RI French Impressionist Painting / RI Rusakov; Gosu-State Museum of Fine Arts. Alexander Pushkin. - M .: Visual Arts, 1995. - 40 p.
10. Jakimovich AK The twentieth century. Art. Culture. Picture of the world: From im pressionizma to classical avant-garde / Yakimovich; Russian Academy of Arts, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts. - M .: Art, 2003. - 491 p.
Markarian ES Theory of culture and modern science: a tutorial / ES Markarian. - M., 2013. - 174 p.
Rusakov RI French Impressionist Painting / RI Rusakov; Gosu-State Museum of Fine Arts. Alexander Pushkin. - M .: Visual Arts, 1995. - 40 p.
Crepaldi G. Impressionism: History, Aesthetics, master, masterpieces: [translated from Italian] / G. Crepaldi. - Reutov: Omega; M: Omega Press, 2008. - 423 p.
Herman M. Impressionism: the founders and followers / MU Herman. - SPb .: Azbuka-classic, 2008. - 516 p.
Bertolini D. Trends in art from Impressionism to the present day: [translated from Italian] / Georgina Bertolini. - Moscow; Reutov: Omega Press, 2011. - 384 p.
Gurevich PS Cultural Studies: Textbook / PS Gurevich - M .: Knowledge, 2004.- 356 p.
Andreev LG Impressionism: see. Feel. Express / Leonid Andre-s. - M .: Geleos, 2005. - 315 p.
Cultural Studies: Textbook / Stolyarov DY, Kortunov VV-tion editor responsible Stolyarov DY - M .: "NORMA-INFRA-M", 2013 - 327 p.
Brody NV Impressionism: the discovery of light and color: 269 illustrations: [al-bom] / Natalia Brody. - St. Petersburg: Aurora, 2009. - 254 p.
Jakimovich AK The twentieth century. Art. Culture. Picture of the world: From im pressionizma to classical avant-garde / Yakimovich; Russian Academy of Arts, Institute of Theory and Historys. - M .: Art, 2003. - 491 p.

Список литературы [ всего 10]

1. Andreev LG Impressionism: see. Feel. Express / Leonid Andre-s. - M .: Geleos, 2005. - 315 p.
2. Bertolini D. Trends in art from Impressionism to the present day: [translated from Italian] / Georgina Bertolini. - Moscow; Reutov: Omega Press, 2011. - 384 p.
3. Brody NV Impressionism: the discovery of light and color: 269 illustrations: [al-bom] / Natalia Brody. - St. Petersburg: Aurora, 2009. - 254 p.
4. Herman M. Impressionism: the founders and followers / MU Herman. - SPb .: Azbuka-classic, 2008. - 516 p.
5. Gurevich PS Cultural Studies: Textbook / PS Gurevich - M .: Knowledge, 2004.- 356 p.
6. Crepaldi G. Impressionism: History, Aesthetics, master, masterpieces: [translated from Italian] / G. Crepaldi. - Reutov: Omega; M: Omega Press, 2008. - 423 p.
7. Cultural Studies: Textbook / Stolyarov DY, Kortunov VV-tion editor responsible Stolyarov DY - M .: "NORMA-INFRA-M", 2013 - 327 p.
8. Markarian ES Theory of culture and modern science: a tutorial / ES Markarian. - M., 2013. - 174 p.
9. Rusakov RI French Impressionist Painting / RI Rusakov; Gosu-State Museum of Fine Arts. Alexander Pushkin. - M .: Visual Arts, 1995. - 40 p.
10. Jakimovich AK The twentieth century. Art. Culture. Picture of the world: From im pressionizma to classical avant-garde / Yakimovich; Russian Academy of Arts, Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts. - M .: Art, 2003. - 491 p.
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