
Public Diplomacy (Presentation)

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Дата создания 2014
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They are wrong, because we are perfect, and we will go and tell everyone about it". This has been called "the battle for the people hearts". Richard Armitage, who worked as Deputy Secretary of State when Colin Powell was Secretary of State, asked how it could happen that a nation having brand communications, lost to the people who lived in caves (at that date Osama bin Laden, hiding in the caves of Afghanistan, was pursued).At a timethe shift from global domination to global leadership emerged in American politics and sociology. It has been growing in recent years, when the United States moved from a conviction or declaring to a campaign to improve their image and the struggle for the minds of people which attained the best results during the reign of Obama.Public diplomacy of the United States may be traditional and digital. Before the advent of the Internet, public diplomacy of the United States included such programs of impact on other states as informational propaganda carried out through radio and television; training of individual social and professional groups of people to create a loyal elite and distribution of American political culture through exhibitions, cinema, etc.The spread of the Internet has made it possible to influence foreign audiences through the following methods: placing radio and television programs on the Internet, distribution of literature on the United States in a digital format, monitoring discussions in the blog space of foreign countries, the creation of personalized pages of the members of the United States Government in social networks, and distribution of information through mobile phones. So, I fully agree with the statement of Manuel Castells, the essence of which is that public diplomacy is not propaganda, but much better and subtle way of influencing the opponent. Currently, public diplomacy is on the rise.Thank you for your attention!

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