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Introduction 3
1 The Concept and the Types of the Phraseological Units 5
1.1 The Concept of Phraseology and Phraseological Units 5
1.2 Different Attitudes to the Classification of the Phraseoligical Units 9
1.3 Ways of the Idiom Construction 13
2 Specific Features and Usage of the Proper Noun in the Idioms 15
2.1 Proper Nouns and Its Usage in Language 15
2.2 Groups of the Proper Nouns 16
2.3 Idioms with Proper Names 17
2.3.1 Sources of the Idioms with Proper Names 17
2.3.2 Structure of the Idioms with Proper Names 22
Conclusion 28
Literature 29

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places related to classical heritage: fiddle while Rome burns; between Scylla and Charybdis.
places on the Continent: Spain (build castles in Spain), and Waterloo (meet one's Waterloo).
So we can conclude that there are many idioms containing proper names of different sources. Some of the groups of those idioms can be called international, because they used not only in English, but also in the other languages. It is necessary to point out that the languages should not be related, but the cultures should interact to allow the idioms enter not only the other language, but the other culture, because, as we mentioned it before, idioms are the part not only of the language, but also of the culture.
2.3.2 Structure of the Idioms with Proper Names
As we said before there are several classification of the idioms. One of those classification is based on the structural aspect. Also there is a stylistic aspect which is meaningful when it came to the usage of them.
Now we separate out the idioms with proper names from the point of view of their structure.
There is a large group of such idioms which consists only of a proper name (first name and second name), sometimes added with an article.
Joe Bloggs — a typical, average man, usually referred to the British people;
a Florence Nightingale — a very kind woman;
a Walter Mitty — a man who is very ordinary, but have a habit to the fantastic dreams;
The second type is the sequence title + proper noun. Also sometimes article is added. In a way those idioms are close to the previous group, because in this group the title becomes some part of the name itself, it gives no additional information:
a Colonel Blimp — an old-man with very old-fashioned ideas which are on his opinion are very important;
a Mrs Grundy — a man who is very conventional or this conventionalism itself;
Aunt Sally — a person who becomes a target of insults or cruel criticism;
Uncle Sam — a personification of USA or its people, often used as slightly ironical or insulting way;
Uncle Tom Cobley and all — a phrase synonimical to «at all».
The third type is constituted by sequences involving adjectives and proper nouns in various combinations, also an article can be added. meaning of these idioms are often connected with the meaning of the nouns:
a nosey Parker
an admirable Crichton
a plain Jane
the real McCoy
every man Jack
the new Jerusalem
Here we can see that this group includes not only names of the people, but also geographical names. Besides we can point out that idioms with popular name often have a meaning «any person», «ordinary person». There we can see a metonymical transfer: if a person has an ordinary name he or she is also ordinary.
There are idioms containing proper names of a more complex construction:
Achilles' heel — a weak point of a man or thing which seems to be invincible;
Adam's ale — water, the idiom is based in the ironic notion that the first man Adam could drink only water;
an Aladdin's cave — a place with many gold;
a Frankenstein's monster — a monster which was artificially made of different parts;
Hobson's choice — a situation when you should make a choice or leave it;
a Job's comforter — a person who discomforts or discourages while seemingly comforts you;
Morton's fork — a negative conclusion from a negative pretence;
a Judas kiss — a betrayal, a sign of betrayal which looks like a sign of affection;
the Midas touch — an ability to make profit from everything;
a Potemkin village — something that looks of a good quality, but it is only a visibility;
a labour of Hercules — difficult tasks;
a sword of Damocles — an unseeing threat that could strike any time and no one can predict the moment.
In the group of idioms containing proper mane there are phrases with a verb as a main word. Such idioms are presented in two separate lists, whether involving a personal or a place name. The name can occur in object:
go to Davy Jones's locker — to get drowned;
meet one's Waterloo — to lose after many winnings;
pile/heap Pelion on Ossa
send someone to Coventry
These idioms have very bright cultural shade. Only few of them can be called international. Also we can note that in the other languages there are idioms which are of the same meaning and even of the same structure, and the only difference is a proper name itself. For example, the English idiom carry/take coals to Newcastle is very close in meaning and structure to the Russian one take one’s own samovar to Tula.
There is a group of prepositional phrases. In this type preposition + proper noun.
according to Hoyle
(not) for all the tea in China
from China to Peru
in Queer Street
before one/you can say Jack Robinson
There are several idioms which are not the word-combination, but two words connected with a conjunction and. So the binomials selected consist of proper name + and + proper name, except for those consisting of adjective + and + adjective. Those examples show us that most of the idioms with such a structure are came from mythology and literature. It is interesting to note that people whose names are used in the idioms are in the different relations:
David and Goliath — from the Bible, two enemies, one of them killed the other;
Damon and Pythias — they were friends and became a symbol of close and faithful friendship;
Darby and Joan — husband and wife who are very content with each other and their quiet life;
Jekyll and Hyde — it is two different sides of one person, one good and gentle and the other is cruel and wild.
There is a group of the stereotipized similes, which are wide-spread in the language. The similes having the structure (as ) adjective + as + proper noun (initial as is generally optional), and verb +like + proper noun:
happy as Larry
hot as Hades
old as Adam
be like Hamlet without the prince
be like the Black Hole of Calcutta
feel like Daniel in the lion's den
fight like Kilkenny cats
grin/smile like a Cheshire cat
The last group of expressions appear as a phrase or a clause. Their status as pragmatically specialised units is, in most cases, focused on in dictionaries, where the method of defining them is «context-based»: the lexicographic definitions, express in what context and for what discursive purpose each formula is used:
it's even Stephen
'it is a situation in which all the persons concerned have an equal chance of finally winning or succeeding'
(it's) Murphy's law
'used in order to say that the worst possible thing always seems to happen when it is most annoying'
all Lombard Street to a China orange
'used in the context of making a bet, either explicitly or implicitly'.
To conclude all this we can say that according to our study of proper names in idioms they take a prominent place in English phraseology. Most of these idioms are motivated by literary work, mythology, religious books. Such idioms are of the clear origin. In this case, the meaning of the phraseological unit is easy to guess. However, part of the phraseological units has no clear motivation It is these idioms which are the most expressive part of cultural specific of the language.
According to the purpose of our research we have solved the following problems.
We have described the use of phraseology in speech, its features and classifications. There are many approaches to the definition and classification of the idioms.
In our work we defined the notion of phraseologisms and listed their types according to the classifications based on the different aspects of the structure or meaning of the idioms. We repeat that this problem is very crucial, because not only reflect the culture and life of a language, but also help to make it the most expressive and emotional.
Every idiom, from our point of view is the text that is keeper of cultural information. Idioms component language not only reproduces the elements and features of cultural and national outlook, but also shapes them. And every idiom, if it contains cultural connotation, contributes to the overall mosaic of national culture.
This can also be referred to the proper names. Proper name takes a special place in the culture: it performs the meaningful role in the communication process individualizing word mark, its value is in inheriting the objectivity, it relates to everyone and in the mind of the speaker and the listener with the same subject of reality.
Phraseological nomination including proper names in the idioms, proverbs indicates subjective recognition of the importance of language personality called things, quality, or the situation as it happens humanization.
Artemova A.F., Leonovich O.A. Proper Names in the Idioms. Inostrannyj jazyk. 2003. №4. p. 73-78.
Beshaj L. Motivation and Etymology of Phraseological Units in English and Albanian Language. On-line source. URL: http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/viewFile/1894/1893. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions. On-line source. URL: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Idioms and Proverbs with Proper Names. On-line source. URL: http://usefulenglish.ru/idioms/idioms-proverbs-with-proper-names. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Ignatovich Y.P. Phraseological Units with Proper Names in English Language. On-line source. URL: http://rae.ru/forum2012/pdf/1101.pdf. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Katermina V.V. Proper Noun as a Proper Name. Krasnodar, 1998. 297 p.
Kuchesheva I.L. Proper Names as Terms in English Culture. Omsk, 2912. 163 p.
Kunin A.V. English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. M.: Russkiy Yazyk, 1984. 944 p.
Kunin A.V. The Cource of the Modern English Phraseology. M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1996. 381 p.
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Pierini P. Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology. On-line source: Lingustik Online. URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/36_08/pierini.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Proper Names in Idioms. On-line source. URL: http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Proper-Names-in-Idioms-148041.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Proper Nouns. On-line Source: English Grammar. URL: http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/nounproper.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
The Free Dictionary.com. On-line source. URL: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Urdang L. (ed.) Longman Dictionary of English Idioms. Harlow and London: Longman Group UK Ltd, 1996. 388 p.
Ignatovich Y.P. Phraseological Units with Proper Names in English Language. On-line source. URL: http://rae.ru/forum2012/pdf/1101.pdf. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Ignatovich Y.P. Phraseological Units with Proper Names in English Language. On-line source. URL: http://rae.ru/forum2012/pdf/1101.pdf. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions. On-line source. URL: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Kunin A.V. The Cource of the Modern English Phraseology. M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1996. 381 p.
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
Kuchesheva I.L. Proper Names as Terms in English Culture. Omsk, 2912. 163 p.
Kuchesheva I.L. Proper Names as Terms in English Culture. Omsk, 2912. 163 p.
Ignatovich Y.P. Phraseological Units with Proper Names in English Language. On-line source. URL: http://rae.ru/forum2012/pdf/1101.pdf. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Proper Names in Idioms. On-line source. URL: http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Proper-Names-in-Idioms-148041.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Pierini P. Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology. On-line source: Lingustik Online. URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/36_08/pierini.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Pierini P. Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology. On-line source: Lingustik Online. URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/36_08/pierini.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
Pierini P. Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology. On-line source: Lingustik Online. URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/36_08/pierini.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).

Список литературы [ всего 15]

1. Artemova A.F., Leonovich O.A. Proper Names in the Idioms. Inostrannyj jazyk. 2003. №4. p. 73-78.
2. Beshaj L. Motivation and Etymology of Phraseological Units in English and Albanian Language. On-line source. URL: http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/viewFile/1894/1893. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
3. English Idioms & Idiomatic Expressions. On-line source. URL: http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
4. Idioms and Proverbs with Proper Names. On-line source. URL: http://usefulenglish.ru/idioms/idioms-proverbs-with-proper-names. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
5. Ignatovich Y.P. Phraseological Units with Proper Names in English Language. On-line source. URL: http://rae.ru/forum2012/pdf/1101.pdf. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
6. Katermina V.V. Proper Noun as a Proper Name. Krasnodar, 1998. 297 p.
7. Kuchesheva I.L. Proper Names as Terms in English Culture. Omsk, 2912. 163 p.
8. Kunin A.V. English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. M.: Russkiy Yazyk, 1984. 944 p.
9. Kunin A.V. The Cource of the Modern English Phraseology. M.: Vysshaya Shkola, 1996. 381 p.
10. Modern Russian: Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography / D.M. Potsepnya. SPb., 2002.
11. Pierini P. Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology. On-line source: Lingustik Online. URL: http://www.linguistik-online.de/36_08/pierini.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
12. Proper Names in Idioms. On-line source. URL: http://www.funtrivia.com/en/subtopics/Proper-Names-in-Idioms-148041.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
13. Proper Nouns. On-line Source: English Grammar. URL: http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/nounproper.html. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
14. The Free Dictionary.com. On-line source. URL: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/. (Time of reference: 30.05.2014).
15. Urdang L. (ed.) Longman Dictionary of English Idioms. Harlow and London: Longman Group UK Ltd, 1996. 388 p.
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