
тема заказа № Ч-17989

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Код 184369
Дата создания 2010
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Источников 1
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Diploma abstract on: “Joint venture as a production sharing agreement: the current state and problems”
The subject of the present research concerns the matter of joint ventures as a production sharing agreement and basically is connected with the problems of foreign investments.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

In the same time the participation of foreign capital in Russian economy creates some negative consequences of long-term character. The main such consequence concerns the priority attention of Western investors to mining and export of energy resources. This situation leads to exhaustion of not renewed production and the hypertrophied development of national economy and separate regions. The weakness of state regulation of foreign capital in Russia creates the conditions for development in the country of the ineffective manufacture with strongly polluting environment.
On the basis of the above study it can be stated that the Russian legislation does not define the commercial enterprises with participation of foreign capital. In this connection there is no criterion for assignment to economic entity the status of joint venture.
In Russia the questions of state security concerning joint ventures are bad developed as well. Today just issues of ecological security covered, but, as it is seen, there is need to pay attention to state security in general.
So, the main conclusion is imperfection of the Russian legislation. For that moment state authorities couldn’t provide a hospitable climate for foreign investments attraction, give essential guarantees of their safety, the favorable tax climate is not created.
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