
Bugeting (управление бюджетом)

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Дата создания 2012
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In the budgets of the major territories are the costs for social purposes. On the education and training of the territorial budgets is allocated more than 60% of all expenditures of the consolidated budget of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, on health care, about 55%, social security is more than 70%, at farm — over 90%.
Expenditure budgets of all levels can be subdivided into the current to ensure the ongoing activities of State authorities, support for lower levels, budgets and capital. In capital expenditures are made for the financing of investment and innovation activity and other expenses associated with the expanded reproduction.
The budgets of all levels must be balanced. If there is a budget deficit financing priority expenditures, are to be included in the budget of current expenditures.
Budgetary systems of Russia and the United States as a whole have a lot in common. Federal structure of these States has a three-level budgetary system. Budgets-CSO and 2-3 on its level have relative autonomy (although in the United States it more). The relationship between the budgets are similar-there is a practice of intergovernmental fiscal transfers from the top down, in addition, the budgets of constituent entities of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION-donors can transfer a portion of its proceeds to the budgets of the entities that do not have enough of their own income. Structure of the revenue and expenditure side of budgets of the two countries undergoing yearly changes, expenditure depends largely on the policies of the State for the period. In recent years, generally had a social trend in both the United States and Russia, however, it should be noted that if this problem is solved in Russia, mostly from the federal budget, in the United States significantly contribute State budgets.
There are, however, substantial differences in the budgetary structure of these countries. For example, for United States federal budget year begins October 1 of each year, whereas in the RF-1 January. This means and the differences in the budgetary process. (It should, however, be noted that most state fiscal year begins like the RF-1 January.) The structure of the budget incomes United States different is that this does not include proceeds from the sale of State assets; local and regional budgets have a different composition of the fiscal income. In addition, in the United States the main tax forms the federal budget, is the individual income tax (48%), the RUSSIAN equivalent-individual income tax revenue is the main component of local budgets (articles 50-70%) and the federal budget is replenished mainly through tax (indirect tax).
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