
Honesty is the best policy. But does society require constant honesty? Discuss.

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Дата создания 2014
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So, it is very hard to say which information can reach the ears of the folk and which cannot. Every now and then the truth should be told to the people to still keep a trustworthy image of the government.In my opinion, some of the information should nevertheless be hidden not to set panic in the country.Notwithstanding, concerning private life the situation looks a bit different. To my mind, a person should individually decide to be deceived or not. Some of the people prefer to be wound around someone’s finger, because it is probably simpler and the life seems easy after all. Surely, it is easier to tell than to do. What is meant here is that sometimes even if someone is told the truth, the person relies more on his expectations than on a direct words. It is like hearing but not listening. In this case, to my mind, this exact person should not be judged, because being lied to was his deliberate choice. Anyways, looking for a boundary between lie and verity seems to be hard as we all understand and feel this world in thousands of various ways.To sum up, not telling the truth is not what is appreciated by the society, but at the same time one learns it from the society they live in, nevertheless, life is hard and complicated. Some people assume that lying somewhile can save a person or a friendship, or any other possible things. Only it is almost impossible to define the truth and the lie and the connections between these two concepts. So, all in all everybody decides for themselves what these concepts mean, as does also the government. The confusion appears when the concepts do not coincide. As it has been said above, life is hard and complicated, and who knows what kind of situation people get in. We have to be tolerant after all towards others and towards the government. One cannot fully understand the circumstances others face, if they have not had the same circumstances, and even then it is close to impossible to have a sober view on the occasion.

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