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Then in addition to the focuses stated above the unemployment growth, growth of social tension and protest activity with prospect of destruction of the country will be added the accelerated conclusion of a financial capital from the country. And about election promises and prospect of their accomplishment is the one more traditional Russian focus, based that many people very much want to be constantly fooled. There's nothing to be done, this their civil law.Case: Meeting in Moscow International Financial CenterOn Friday March 4 the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev held big meeting on forming in Moscow the International financial center. The meeting purpose - to check that was made since the last meeting on this subject in December of last year.Work on creation of MFTs is carried out within activities of Council for development of the financial market in case of the President of the Russian Federation and the relevant working group which is headed by the former head of the Russian President Administration Alexander Voloshin. Within the project some project teams which are engaged in the separate directions, including the legislation, ministerial procedures, the questions connected with taxes, with infrastructure today work.The creation project in Russia of financial center of world level remains a priority for the Russian power, despite a difficult financial and economic country situation and the world. At the beginning of March the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev held big meeting on forming in Moscow of the International Financial Center (IFC). The meeting purpose – to check that was made since the last meeting on this subject in December of last year.The problem is made comments by the director general of the Center of strategic estimates and forecasts Sergey Grinyaev.Work on creation of MFTs is carried out within activities of Council for development of the financial market in case of the President of the Russian Federation and the relevant working group which is headed by the former head of the Russian President Administration Alexander Voloshin. Within the project some project teams which are engaged in the separate directions, including with the legislation, ministerial procedures, the questions connected with taxes, with infrastructure (first of all – Moscow), infrastructure of the most financial market today work.The first serious steps in the direction of creation of MFTs were taken in 2008 when the Government of the Russian Federation the order of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r approved the Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2020.As one of long-term priorities of development of the financial markets of the Russian Federation in the document MFTs creation was determined. In the same year of the Ministry of Economic Development the corresponding concept of creation MFTs calculated, by the way, for five years was developed. The document turned out volume and mentioned some tens legislative and bylaws. In February, 2009 developers managed to approve the draft document with all interested departments, and it was approved by the government.The corresponding work was carried out and at the regional level. In case of the government of Moscow the relevant working group was created and the concept of development of Moscow as international financial center is developed. This process also was a little slowed down in connection with change of a capital management. Serious problems in a complex under construction the Moscow City which, on an idea, shall become a material embodiment of created MFTs became a spoon of tar for the Moscow authorities. Bankruptcy of the Mirax group of companies which is actively participating in the project, completed developing general negative perception of the project.Until recently owing to features of development of an economic country situation and the world the question of forming in Russia MFTs remained, mainly, on paper. Problems which need to be solved before creation of the Center becomes reality were too great. The next offers, already more specific, shall be developed, according to the special advisor to the president of the Russian Federation Arcady Dvorkovich, in three-four months.The project began to purchase again certain specific outlines from the second half of 2010 when serious motions in the solution of one of vital infrastructure issues were planned – shareholders of the Russian RTS and MICEX exchanges reached the merger agreement. Rather powerful infrastructure organization which will pledge a basis of forming of a stock exchange infrastructure of MFTs shall be as a result created. Considering that by the time of merge of RTS I had shares in stock exchanges in Ukraine and in Kazakhstan, in case of success of the project of consolidation it is possible to say about promotion of influence of the Russian equity and on the stock markets of CIS countries that also is one of priorities of forming of financial center in Russia.Work on consolidation of the Russian banking sector became the following step in this direction. Active work in this direction from the state bank VTB which in a year made a number of transactions of absorption, allows to assume aspiration of the country leaders to build and on this site rather powerful financial structure which will be based on MFTs forming.Separately there is an interaction question with foreign investors. For the solution of this task Russia will create consulting recommendation which will directly work in case of group on creation of the international financial center from heads of a number of the largest world investment banks.It is known that this recommendation will include head of Goldman Lloyd Blankfein, the founder of the Blackstone company Steve Schwarzman, Jimmy Dimon from JPMorgan Chase and Bryan Moynikhen from Bank of America, representatives of BNP Paribas and UniCredit.The efforts of the country leaders undertaken for the last months answer earlier to effective objectives of forming of MFTs. Here only the expert community nevertheless confuses the currents some created parallel to the flagman project.First of all, to speak about possibility of creation of MFTs in Russia today, in the conditions of grandiose transformations of world monetary system by which present financial and economic crisis, not quite correctly is accompanied. The today's world monetary system completely developed, and separation of roles in it settled. It means that all financial centers which could develop in that, to dollar system of world economy, already developed. Unfortunately, in that system of job specialization of Russia the part of the raw country, first of all – the supplier of hydrocarbons on the world market was assigned.Two options to take a place among so-called «financial centers» are possible. First, this place shall be released, but as shows reality, neither London, nor New York, neither Singapore, nor any other existing center isn't going to yield the line items even in the conditions of crisis. Secondly, it is possible to try to force out one of present favourites, but the powerful economic potential and the military force providing protection of national interests in the economic sphere is for this purpose necessary. Today's China which actively fights for a place among leaders of world economy can be an example. Similar Russia can't brag today of something.Exists, however, and the third option, but it excludes dollar domination. Its essence consists that Russia starts trading own raw materials only for rubles and through own National Mercantile Exchanges. This way would allow to create Russia economic space of Eurasia in which it de facto would possess a role of financial center. By the way, economy regionalization with a reference point on key producers is a that way to which today there is a world which was tired from «a cancer tumor» the American pieces of paper.However this way of development of MFTs in Russia if is considered, in any case, is far not among the first.As for a present way, rather prosaic outcome here is possible. As it was stated above, the formality of a question of creation of MFTs was accompanied by a train of the events lying in a bit different plane. It is a question of preparation for privatization of a considerable share of federal property. Among potential goods – a share in the largest Russian banks, a considerable share of capital stock of the Russian Railway, Aeroflot and other strategic entities. In general, very much even tidbit of the Russian economy.The internal political country situation such is that after carrying out insufficiently effective anti-recessionary policy which has entailed almost complete expenditure of means of the Reserve fund in 2008-2009, and also the drought which has followed it in the summer of 2010 (as well as a poor harvest of winter crops which is predicted in the spring of 2011), demands from the country leaders of intensive injections in economy for inflation and rise in prices control, first of all, on the most demanded types of goods. Essential influence on a situation imposes also proximity of the election campaign which actually already began. In the forthcoming half a year it will be necessary to spend funds for accomplishment of large-scale social liabilities. Today it isn't enough funds for a covering of so increased expenditure.For benefit of this version of succession of events to which the present project of creation in MFTs country can come, tells also participation practically in all undertakings of Goldman Sachs bank. This financial structure earned in recent years quite inconsistent reputation. On the one hand, it is one of the most successful offices in the world from the point of view of speculative profit. The set was connected with another – with this bank of «dark stories», for example, on accusation in deception of clients. Besides, the Goldman Sachs bank is called among initiators of present world financial crisis. Goldman Sachs is rare when is put in strategic investments. The main strategy of bank is profit earning in the conditions of instability of the market.A lot of the interesting was told and written about one bank – an advisory board member on MFTs creation – BankofAmerica.Этот bank appeared at scandal peak with mortgage securities in the USA and hardly itself avoided bankruptcy. Such partner for the Russian ideologists of forming in Moscow MFTs can appear «dark horse».Meeting on MFTs, a question of ensuring financial safety of the country in the conditions of accruing instability in the world there was the major question raised at recent meeting in the Kremlin under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev. MFTs shall provide effective implementation of the actions directed on maintenance in a safe condition of a financial system of the country and all its economy.Whether it will turn out to make it really? Or the project of creation of MFTs in our country will end with one more banal privatization of state-owned property? Time will be able to answer this question only.ConclusionWhile economists, financiers and politicians argued and worked, crisis grew. Decreased majority gross domestic product economically developed countries.The biggest recession in industrial economy of Germany and Japan is connected with essential reducing export and sharp recession in pro-cyclic industries, for example automotive industry which sharply react to deterioration of an economic situation. France managed to show the best result thanks to specifics of economy: large-scale social payments held consumption from sharp fall. Besides, in France there was no such bubble in the real estate market and quality of the credits is better.Degradation of real sector can remove all economy abroad stability. Then even in case of liquidation of «toxic assets» and increases of transparency of the financial reporting instead of one crisis inevitably there will be a train of crises with increasing economic downturn, to liquidate which begins possible only sharp activization of a role of the state.After 25 years of conversations on benefits of the market system, many them which, it is necessary to recognize, were idealistichny, it wouldn't be desirable to return again to tough central planning and management of economy. In our opinion, it is necessary to try to do everything possible reasonably to combine benefits of both methods of management. It is necessary to do it quickly, still such combination probably and didn't develop into their opposition.Referenceshttp://www.warandpeace.ru/ru/exclusive/view/77763/http://rossosh-life.org/blogs/tyc3000/volframovoe-zoloto-zoloto-forta-noks-okazalos-poddelnymhttp://www.tpp-inform.ru/analytic_journal/1049.htmlhttp://www.csef.ru/index.php/ru/ekonomika-i-finansy/project/251-russia-the-financial-centre/1-stati/1325-world-financial-center-in-moscow-foggy-futurehttp://www.csef.ru/index.php/ru/ekonomika-i-finansy/project/244-the-reasons-and-essence-of-current-crisis/1-stati/1753-session-of-black-magic-with-its-subsequent-exposurehttp://www.csef.ru/files/csef/articles/533/533.pdfhttp://www.csef.ru/files/csef/articles/3656/3656.pdfhttp://www.csef.ru/index.php/ru/ekonomika-i-finansy/project/431-markets-estimates-and-projections/1-stati/4083-briks-delaet-eshche-odin-shag-v-storonu-ot-dollara

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