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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Rather, the inference seems to be that the emphasis sought by a number of UK companies and their shareholders –including institutional shareholders - is for short term high return to capital, often at the expense of low R&D intensity and low growth.
R&D spending tends to vary by sector, so poor performance overall could reflect different mixes of economic activity across countries. In order to take account of this problem, R&D can be examined as a proportion of gross value added by industrial sector.
However, even when this is done, UK business only spends proportionally more on R&D than the other 5 countries in the pharmaceutical sector.
There are some gaps in the capital market’s coverage of the financing needs of technology-based small firms. Bank and trade finance are the most important source of finance for most smaller firms. However, where a firm is involved in projects perceived to be of high risk, or where lead times are long, bank finance is often not appropriate or available and trade finance will be too short-term. For this type of firm equity finance is often more suitable: as it avoids the cash flow problems associated with debt finance and allows the finance provider a share of any upside. The British Venture Capital Association produces estimates of the amount of start-up and early stage formal venture capital. After falling back in the early 1990s, there has been a substantial increase in the amount of this type of finance in recent years. However, there remain areas of concern/
There are signs of a relative lack of commercial awareness within universities, although HEI/business interaction has improved to some extent in recent years; more HEIs are undertaking collaborative research, establishing business networks, running courses of industry, developing incubation, exploitation and spin-off companies and paying increased attention to the skills needs of business. The HEI/business interface can only operate effectively for the diffusion, transfer and exploitation of knowledge and know-how, where both partners are willing and able to interact. The challenge for public policy is therefore to create an environment where business and HEIs are able to forge links with each other, often with the participation of intermediaries from the technology base. However, nearly all the major industrial countries are concerned to improve the interface between HEIs and industry and there is no evidence that UK HEIs are less well orientated towards industry than the majority of their foreign counterparts. A more important problem is the lack of ability of UK industry to exploit the results of scientific research.
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