
Сравнительный анализ управления газовой промышленностью Ямало-Ненецкого АО и Ставропольского края

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Chapter 1. The Yamal-Nenets
Chapter 2. The Stavropol

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Depth of first "lens" 600м, the second is at a depth 1200м.First of all, it is underground developments of oil fields and gas, water-bearing layers. As a rule, it is porous breeds in which the raw materials are in a gaseous state. This way is considered the cheapest. Installation of the special equipment and providing of communications is necessary for the structure of storage only. In the district where such opportunity doesn’t occur, people use water-bearing layers with a tight cavity for gas. The cavity surrounded with dense beds of soil allows the usage of gas under a high pressure. In the market of production, processing and storage of natural gas by the unconditional leader, actually the monopolist, Gazprom Ltd. is. One of its offices, Gazprom Ltd. UGS specializes in natural gas. Underground gas storages are under its authority in 13 regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time with storage such functions are carried out: drying, cleaning and gas adoration. Important article of the income in economy of the gas countries is export of natural gas to other regions. The way of transportation of raw materials to the consumer is defined, first of all, by economic factors. Pumping of natural gas on gas pipelines is now the most widespread and cheap way of delivery of raw materials on the enterprises. Russia carries out the most part of the export deliveries through system of the main gas pipelines equipped with compressor stations. Pressure of the main gas is supported at the level of 7,5MPas (75 atm), diameter of the main pipe to 1,4 meters. Construction of new gas pipelines business long and expensive. Concord actions and implementation of the project can last decades. The research part of our project consists in learning what role of the Izobilnensky area in transportation of natural gas. In storage gas arrives their Siberia (The Urengoy field) and Kazakhstan. Structure and quality of these gases the various. The Urengoy field contains a large amount of methane – the main component of gas therefore its quality higher and it from storage goes on export. This way of transportation of gas is called "Blue Stream". Feature of this technology of transportation of gas is that the gas pipeline is laid at a depth of 4 - 5 km. The Black Sea i.e. on its bottom. Such technology in the world doesn't exist. Similar development is in England, but along coastal sea part (appendix No. 4). The beginning of transportation of "Blue Stream" is called zero kilometer which is in the Novoaleksandrovsky area. In Stavropol Region.its extent makes 60 kilometers. Now one more branch of the gas pipeline on a bottom of the Black Sea is laid, the European countries (appendix No. 4) will be consumers of this gasThe Kazakhstan gas contains less methane therefore its quality is lower and it is transported across all Southern federal district, except Dagestan and Chechnya, to Krasnodar Territory and partially to the Rostov region. Transportation of gas is carried out seasonally. In the summer gas is pumped in storage, and in a heating season is spent of 180 ml. kb. meters per day. Conclusion No. 3. The Izobilnensky area carries out now function not only storages of natural gas, but also its transportation, with constantly being improved technologies of transportation. Because gas is an explosive mix of hydrocarbons there is a question of ecological safety of the inhabitants living in the Izobilnensky area. With the matter we addressed to the head of dispatching service V.A.Matiukhin who told, among the main tasks of ecological policy – environment preservation in a zone of influence of production objects, rational use of natural resources, ensuring ecological safety at operation of objects of transportation of natural gas and effective management of nature protection activity. Today it is developed and the fundamental document – Ecological policy of society works. According to this document work of Izobilnensky LPUMG is under construction. For definition of a reliable picture of nature of interaction of industrial production the ecologist of Izobilnensky LPUMG closely interacts with service is production – environmental monitoring engineering – the technical center of Society "Gazprom transnational gas Stavropol".The areaproduction Volume by years, billion20102015202020252030Nadym170,8122,390,770,252,1Tazovsky155,0139,3124,4100,783,1Yamal58,9155,8220,7293,9372,4Purovsky215,4179,2164,3138,3116,1Krasnoselkupsky28,034,134,131,110,6In total on the district628,2630,6634,2634,2634,2ConclusionDuring these years in Russia there is gasification of the major objects of a heat supply of the population. It is based on the low gas price and its safety. The largest gas campaign, Gazprom Ltd., is not only one of the largest campaigns of the world, but also the largest campaign of Russia. Gazprom Ltd. role in economy of the Russian Federation is defined not only by support of the certain enterprises and regions, but, first of all by the fact that the company gives about 8% of gross domestic product of Russia. At operation of natural gas, the problem of its emission in the ocean is excluded as gas disappears, but it doesn't exclude possibility of explosions which constantly happens both in life, and in coal mines. Despite it, gas is safer, more effective and cheaper than oil. Energy is the most important element of modern functional structure of economy. Need of acceleration of rates of economic growth in Russia (to 5-8% a year) demands increase in volume and increase of efficiency of consumption of energy resourcesToday the gas branch is one of the most developed and perspective areas of the energy industry (Fuel-Energy Complex). Gas is natural, safe and cheaper raw material than oil and coal. In comparison with coal, gas is several times more effective and doesn't demand so labor-consuming production, as coal. In the international market the last decades there is such currency as petrodollar, - many countries of the world export oil abroad, and price of oil in many respects defines a gross product of the state. But oil is more expensive than gas, it is more difficult in operation and there are many cases of emission of oil to the ocean that leads to catastrophic consequences. The Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area plays a special role in ensuring energy security of the country, realization of geopolitical and commercial interests of Russia in the world. The most important component of sustainable long-term development of an oil and gas complex and economy of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, increase of its efficiency – economy diversification at the expense of development of productions on deep processing of UV focused on complex use of taken raw materials and release of products with the raised value added: gasoline, diesel fuel, LNG and associated oil gas, methanol, synthetic fuel, polypropylene, ethylene, and also products from polymeric materialsThe purpose of this paper was to show how favorable and perspective the gas industry for the Russian Federation is, and the value of Stavropol Territory and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area for economy of Russia. The tasks were to prove that a very essential support was provided by the government. Moreover, Gazprom ltd. Doesn’t act like a private company in each region, export revenues are efficient from both sides. On top of everything, political leadership provides reasonable level of help at the regional scale.Bibliography C. Michael Hogan (2008) Polar Bear: Ursusmaritimus, Globaltwitcher.com, ed. NicklasStrombergDemoscopeWeekly (1989). "Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров." [All Union Population Census of 1989. Present population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous oblasts and okrugs, krais, oblasts, districts, urban settlements, and villages serving as district administrative centers]. Всесоюзнаяпереписьнаселения 1989 года (All-Union Population Census of 1989) (in Russian). Institute of Demographics of the State University—Higher School of Economics. RetrievedFebruary 9, 2012.http://www.perepis-2010.ru/news/detail.php?ID=6936Arena - Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia. Sreda.org 2012 SurveyMaps. "Ogonek", № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 24-09-2012. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area". Kommersant. 2004-03-05. Retrieved 2009-08-26.

Список литературы [ всего 6]

1. C. Michael Hogan (2008) Polar Bear: Ursus maritimus, Globaltwitcher.com, ed. Nicklas Stromberg
2.Demoscope Weekly (1989). "Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров." [All Union Population Census of 1989. Present population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous oblasts and okrugs, krais, oblasts, districts, urban settlements, and villages serving as district administrative centers]. Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 года (All-Union Population Census of 1989) (in Russian). Institute of Demographics of the State University—Higher School of Economics. Retrieved February 9, 2012.
4.Arena - Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia. Sreda.org
5. 2012 Survey Maps. "Ogonek", № 34 (5243), 27/08/2012. Retrieved 24-09-2012.
6. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area". Kommersant. 2004-03-05. Retrieved 2009-08-26.
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