
Tourism sustainability in finland

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Development of tourism in Finland
List of literature

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Tourism industry enterprises need multi-skilled employees with good professional skills,the ability to serve demanding customers, and skills in foreign cultures and languages.Russians are already the most important group of foreigners in Finland and theirnumber of visits to the country will increase markedly in future. Educational institutionsin the tourism and restaurant trade should therefore have a greater focus on the studyof the Russian language and culture.5 Improving the infrastructure of tourism zoneMany tourism areas are located in remote, sparsely populated regions, in many of whichthe tourism business is seasonal. Most staff employed by the business do not live in theregion permanently and thus do not pay taxes on earned income there. Thisundermines the possibilities tourism areas have of constructing essential infrastructurebased on their own tax revenues. Financing must be arranged from external sources.The operational preconditions of tourism businesses can be improved by promotinginvestments in the infrastructure of tourism areas, which would not distort competitionbetween enterprises. These include investments in transport connections, sanitaryengineering, roads, enhancing energy efficiency and recreational areas. Moreover,financing for the establishment and maintenance of national parks, and of trekking andsnowmobile routes, is vital to the success of tourism businesses..6 Better utilization of research and market dataThe production of research data will be brought up-to-date and the communication ofinformation to the industry enhanced. More specific goals are included in the ActionPlan for Tourism Research, due for completion around the same time as the TourismStrategy.Creation attractive image of Finland as touristic country Creation attractive image of Finland will enhance Finland’s brand andmake Finland an increasingly attractive and popular venue for tourists. This strength will besupported by the right kind of international publicity. ConclusionIn spite the fact that the country doesn't possess such tourist resources as an exit to the warm sea, existence of mountain chains, on indicators of development of tourist branch it is possible to draw a conclusion that together with attempts to develop traditional types of tourism, other creative and original ideas are involved ortourism development that proves steady growth rates of various indicators of the tourist sphere in economy of Finland. Development of tourism is promoted by programs of tourismdevelopment.Among the main directions of further development it is possible to name:Strengthening of a role of clustersSupport of development of the local companies functioning in tourismDevelopment in tourism business processes Development of educationInfrastructure developmentDevelopment of utilization and nature preservationCreation attractive image of Finland.These directions will promote involvement of tourists to Finland.List of literatureFinancial support forTourism and Commercein Finland//www. ec.europa.euFinland’s TourismStrategy to 2020//www.mek.fiKey tourism sector operators in Finland//www.tem.fiNature tourism in Finland:Development Possibilities and Constraints//http://www.openspace.eca.ac.ukNovikov V.S. Innovatoon in tourism.-М.: Akademia, 2010. - 208 p.

Список литературы [ всего 5]

List of literature
1Financial support forTourism and Commercein Finland//www. ec.europa.eu
2Finland’s TourismStrategy to 2020//www.mek.fi
3Key tourism sector operators in Finland//www.tem.fi
4Nature tourism in Finland:Development Possibilities and Constraints//http://www.openspace.eca.ac.uk
5Novikov V.S. Innovatoon in tourism.-М.: Akademia, 2010. - 208 p.
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