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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Wal-Mart realizes strategy of mass market production on the basis of the valuable offer of inexpensive goods. Walmart positions itself as inexpensive shop, similar to Tesco in Great Britain.
In spite of the fact that Walmart still lags behind Tesco in these questions, the company undertakes all necessary measures to improve the program of providing services. Involving consumers in use of corporate cards, Walmart studies more and more information connected with consumer preferences. Given information can be used in marketing efforts to the correct course.
UK and USA retail market have a different shopping model. There is constant tension between the UK abstract model of efficiency and what is actually attractive to the customer. There is a trade-off between the efficiency and customer appeal.
UK consumers are unable to express a preference for lower cost/ more efficient propositions - because the UK retail market is less competitive than it might be. UK consumers – some of them, some of the time – express preferences for higher service propositions, which include non-tangible outputs (that is to say brand propositions) over those which emphasise price based on simple efficiencies. Industry participants see retail productivity as a consumermediated phenomenon, although this risks confusing what is meant by productivity to the economist. Consumers see lower risks to patronising brands that they trust, which offer services they want.
To improve Tesco activity improvements it is recommended to optimize expenses in order to reduce of prices.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-16817254 31 January 2012 Last updated at 16:20 GMT Tesco market share dips below 30%
Wal-Mart recedes before marketing strategy of Tesco// http://www.car-flag.ru/pubs/1062-1033-walmart-otstupaet-pered-marketingovoy-strategiey-tesco.html
Micle Daff Walmart transformation!// http://www.execmba.ru/joebloggs/article?jbai=431
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