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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The head should be used and other channels "feedback" with subordinates. Without abandoning of official records, reports, "calls on the carpet", use informal channels, some of which had already been named. In addition, to name several ways to reduce the distance:
be sure to give the right to treatment with requests and complaints;
do not encourage anonymity, but keep a secret, if, for example, a claim to a colleague or supervisor;
with some regularity (quarterly or annual) every employee comes to the top-manager, supervisor of the officer in charge;
spend "days of open doors", where a staff member has the right to appeal to the head of any rank;
internal surveys regularly.
3. Strategies to communicate with stakeholders of an organisation who belong to different cultural groups.
We should do the following:
- Create the health support among health professionals to gain effort.
- Working together to create source of funds to expertises for the research.
- Assessment for the centre by getting agreement ,and to arrange data collection.
- Develop new models for communication for getting means of contributions.
- Use means of network to get source of funds.
- Make publication through magazine ,journals articles
- Make plans officially so as the objective should be promoted for the centre.
- Prepare the web for promoting and to be accepted.
List of literature
Allaire, Y., and M. E. Firsirotu, M.E. 1984. Theories of organizational culture. Organization Studies 5:193-226.
Becker, H.S., and B. Geer. Latent culture. Administrative Science Quarterly 5: 303-313.
Charles W. L. Hill, and Gareth R. Jones, (2001) Strategic Management. Houghton Mifflin
Cindy Gordon, Cashing in on corporate culture, CA magazine, January-February 2008
Corporate (organizational) culture and organizational climate//
Enrique Ruiz, Discriminate Or Diversify, PositivePsyche.Biz Corp, 2009
Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD. Published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC, 2000. .
Kotter, J. P. (1992). Corporate Culture and Performance. New York: The Free Press.
Louis, M.R. 1980. Organizations as culture-bearing milieux. In Organizational Symbolism. Edited by L.R. Pondy, et al. Greenwich, CT: JAI; Louis, M.R., B.Z. Posner, and G.N. Powell. 1983. The availability of socialization practices. Personnel Psychology 36( 4): 857-866.
Schein, E. 1990. Organizational culture. American Psychologist 45 (2): 109-119.
Schein, E. H. 1988.Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 9.
Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 9.
Trice, H.M. Rites and Ceremonials in Organizational Culture. 1988. In Vol. 4., Perspectives on Organizational Sociology: Theory and Research. Edited by S.B. Bacharach and S.M. Mitchell. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Trice, H.M., and J. M. Beyer, J.M. 1984. Studying organizational cultures through rites and ceremonials. Academy of Management Review 9: 653-669.
Trice, H.M., and J. M. Beyer. 1993. Cultures of Work Organizations. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Wuthnow, R., and M. Witten, M. 1988. New directions in the study of culture. Annual Review of Sociology 14: 50-51
Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD. Published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC, 2000. .
Becker, H.S., and B. Geer. Latent culture. Administrative Science Quarterly 5: 303-313.
Louis, M.R. 1980. Organizations as culture-bearing milieux. In Organizational Symbolism. Edited by L.R. Pondy, et al. Greenwich, CT: JAI; Louis, M.R., B.Z. Posner, and G.N. Powell. 1983. The availability of socialization practices. Personnel Psychology 36( 4): 857-866.
Allaire, Y., and M. E. Firsirotu, M.E. 1984. Theories of organizational culture. Organization Studies 5:193-226.
Schein, E. 1990. Organizational culture. American Psychologist 45 (2): 109-119.
Schein, E. H. 1988.Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Trice, H.M., and J. M. Beyer, J.M. 1984. Studying organizational cultures through rites and ceremonials. Academy of Management Review 9: 653-669.
Trice, H.M. Rites and Ceremonials in Organizational Culture. 1988. In Vol. 4., Perspectives on Organizational Sociology: Theory and Research. Edited by S.B. Bacharach and S.M. Mitchell. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Trice, H.M., and J. M. Beyer. 1993. Cultures of Work Organizations. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Wuthnow, R., and M. Witten, M. 1988. New directions in the study of culture. Annual Review of Sociology 14: 50-51
Kotter, J. P. (1992). Corporate Culture and Performance. New York: The Free Press.
Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 9.
Charles W. L. Hill, and Gareth R. Jones, (2001) Strategic Management. Houghton Mifflin
Cindy Gordon, Cashing in on corporate culture, CA magazine, January-February 2008
Enrique Ruiz, Discriminate Or Diversify, PositivePsyche.Biz Corp, 2009
Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 9.
Corporate (organizational) culture and organizational climate//

Список литературы [ всего 18]

1.Allaire, Y., and M. E. Firsirotu, M.E. 1984. Theories of organizational culture. Organization Studies 5:193-226.
2.Becker, H.S., and B. Geer. Latent culture. Administrative Science Quarterly 5: 303-313.
3.Charles W. L. Hill, and Gareth R. Jones, (2001) Strategic Management. Houghton Mifflin
4.Cindy Gordon, Cashing in on corporate culture, CA magazine, January-February 2008
5.Corporate (organizational) culture and organizational climate//
6.Enrique Ruiz, Discriminate Or Diversify, PositivePsyche.Biz Corp, 2009
7.Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD. Published by Authenticity Consulting, LLC, 2000. .
9.Kotter, J. P. (1992). Corporate Culture and Performance. New York: The Free Press.
10.Louis, M.R. 1980. Organizations as culture-bearing milieux. In Organizational Symbolism. Edited by L.R. Pondy, et al. Greenwich, CT: JAI; Louis, M.R., B.Z. Posner, and G.N. Powell. 1983. The availability of socialization practices. Personnel Psychology 36( 4): 857-866.
11.Schein, E. 1990. Organizational culture. American Psychologist 45 (2): 109-119.
12.Schein, E. H. 1988.Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
13.Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 9.
14.Shein, Edgar (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 9.
15.Trice, H.M. Rites and Ceremonials in Organizational Culture. 1988. In Vol. 4., Perspectives on Organizational Sociology: Theory and Research. Edited by S.B. Bacharach and S.M. Mitchell. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
16.Trice, H.M., and J. M. Beyer, J.M. 1984. Studying organizational cultures through rites and ceremonials. Academy of Management Review 9: 653-669.
17.Trice, H.M., and J. M. Beyer. 1993. Cultures of Work Organizations. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
18.Wuthnow, R., and M. Witten, M. 1988. New directions in the study of culture. Annual Review of Sociology 14: 50-51
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