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Such strategy was monstrously irresponsible because the fundamental reasons (attraction of the short-term credits and issue of long-term loans) remained invariable. This huge building of new assets meant that the following crisis of the Savings Banks will be huge. To win in this game, it was necessary to be able to find situations in which loans were repaid ahead of schedule. There were two possible options. First, it is financial disorders. When the organization got to difficult cover, always there were prospects. The credits had guarantees of the federal government, and in case of a default it entirely repaid obligations. It was possible to receive instantly million dollars of profit.Expensive construction projects were other option when it was possible to count on repayment of mortgages face value. For converting it was necessary to persuade inhabitants of these dwellings to redeem mortgages on them at the owner/builder who in turn returned the loan to the government. When the government received the money, it returned nominal size of the credit which was redeemed by them at the price of 60 cents for dollar. When the market was already enough big and could make the definition of the reasonable or fair price, the prices of usual mortgage bonds couldn't float arbitrarily anymore because they were adhered to the SMO market. The rationality of the price for SMO (final product) assumed a rationality of the price for usual mortgage bonds (raw materials). Now investors could make idea of what should be the price for mortgage bonds. It reduced profit on operation of their ignorance. A pool of percentage payments and a pool of repayment of the main sum of the credit (are known as IO and PO – only percent and only the main sum) divided a pool of mortgages into dwellings and banks began to sell the income on each pool as separate investment tools.Now the American market of mortgages is the largest credit market in the world, and it can become the world's largest bond market in the future. Historically the Wall Street worked only with one party of balance - with passives, obligations. Mortgages are assets. If it was possible to pack and expose on the market mortgages on houses, the same can be done and with receivables on credit cards, according to loans for purchase of cars and with any other types of loan.
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