
Тип работы: Assignment

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

In other words, the budget revenues and expenditures - a document that shows the relative costs and financial and economic activity for a specific target (budget) period. The main purpose of the budget revenues and expenditures - to show the effectiveness of business leaders and economic activity of each structural unit and the organization as a whole in the coming period, to set limits (standards) of the main types of expenses, profit, analyze and determine the formation of reserves and increase profits, optimize tax and other deductions budget, the formation of accumulation and consumption funds, etc. Budget revenues and expenditures necessary to start with the development of sales forecasts and sales budgets, and then have to determine the direct (variable) costs that are reflected in three major papers: a) the payment of raw materials, goods, materials and components purchased from suppliers, and b) payment of operating (manufacturing, operational) costs directly associated with an increase or decrease in sales volume, and c) labor costs of the main production staff. Information necessary to determine the volume of sales and direct (variable) costs provided operating budgets: sales budget, budget, direct material costs, budget, direct labor costs. In addition, information is added to operating costs (spending time) on other income and expenditure and the magnitude of the income tax. The budget includes revenues and expenditures in a common format plan of all the profitable operations of the organization and thus allows us to trace the influence of operating and other budgets in the annual budget revenues. If the value of the net profit is small compared with the volume of sales or net worth, budget revenue and expenditure review. Foreign experts have called the budget revenue and expenditure budget report of income. As part of financial statements in the national accounting financial accounting provides a form similar to number 2 title "Profit and Loss." However, as noted above, the purpose of budget revenues and expenditures in its economic meaning is quite different, and its format is not only determines a system of targets, but also the content of the main budget. Budget revenues and expenditures allows us to understand the difference between profit and cash flow (of information on cash receipts and disbursements). The recognition of revenue based on the principle of accrual at the time the rights to receive cash or to pay their obligations, which may not always coincide with the moment of receipt and disbursement of funds. In addition, certain articles of the budget revenues and expenditures reflect non-cash expenses or income, such as depreciation, the creation of a reserve for doubtful accounts, which are budgeted cash flows are not reflected. 3.4. Current balance is usually composed of the enlarged range of articles reflecting the most important types of assets and liabilities. The main feature of the design format of the balance of international standards - the location of assets and liabilities in order of their liquidity. Sources of information for balance of payments can be taken from accounting data and the previously composed and basic operating budgets. Thus, information on non-current assets can be obtained from accounting data, as well as from the capital budget, which contains information about the acquisition and sale of these assets. Tax liabilities are reflected in the budget of revenues and expenses. Data on the equity of the company can be gleaned from the documents relating to the proposed issues and withdrawals of capital. Prediction of retained earnings at the end of this year includes retained earnings from previous years and the profits earned in the year. Since the forecast balance for next year is made after all other budget at the end of the current fiscal year, the value of retained earnings is possible to estimate accurately. The volume of finished goods and inventories can be learned from the budgets of the production and procurement of materials, respectively. The stock of materials is calculated in the procurement budget (Table 7). Bank overdrafts shown in the budget for purchases and balance is the bank account at the end of the fiscal year. The volume of accounts receivable and payable can be determined on the basis of information on the timing of receipts and payments, which are used for budgeting cash flow. 4.1. As noted in Part 2.1. reduce costs and thus lower costs may increase if productivity. At the moment, this is the most effective solution. 4.2. Value analysis allows to perform the following activities: A. determine the level (or degree) of execution of various business processes in the enterprise, including the effectiveness of marketing management and product quality control; Two. justify the choice of a rational variant of technology implementation of business plans; Three. to analyze the functions performed by the structural units of the enterprise; Four. provide high quality products; Five. analyze the integrated improvement of the results of the company, etc. In this case, the potential of the company allows you to implement these actions. 5.1. Methods used in the analysis of investment projects can be divided into two groups: • based on discounted estimates; • based on user ratings. The method of estimating the Net present value (NPV) This method is based on a comparison of the value of the initial investment (IC) with a total sum of the discounted cash flows generated by it during the forecast period. Since cash flow is distributed over time, he discounted returns N. A method of estimating the average income investments This involves consideration of the draft in relation to average income investments. The peculiarity of this method is that it does not take into account the time of the cash flows. The point of this method reduces to the determination of the average net cash flows, revenues are expected in the future due to the introduction of an investment project under consideration, and then - to the calculation of the relationship of this index to the investment in the project. 5.2. In this case, NPV1 = 25000 * 20 000 * 0.926 * 0.794 0.857 14 000 4000 12 000 * 0.735 = 66,706 D1 = 66706/52000 * 100% = 28.3% NPV2 = 10000 * 36 000 * 0.926 * 0.794 0.857 40 000 42 000 * 0.735 = 103 390 D2 = 103390/100000 * 100% = 3.4% 5.3. It is advisable to use the Project Beta with average income on investment 28.3% 6.1. Profit Income 2006 2007 2008 % % % Gross 3055 - 2506 82 2928 117 From sales of 140 - 346 247 1167 337 EBITDA 26 - 188 723 216 115 Net income 1 - 127 12700 162 128 From 2006 to 2007 gross profit decreased by 18%, and from 2007 to 2008 grew by 17%. The overall decline in profits for two years was 1%. At the same time earnings from the sales have steadily increased Profitability (2007 2008) Return on assets for the pre-tax profits, (Р1), % 1,01 1,07 Return on assets for net income (Р2), % 0,7 0,8 Return on current assets by profit before tax (Р3), % 1,05 1,1 Return on current assets as net income (Р4), % 0,71 0,82 Return on equity on profit before tax (Р5), % 3,06 3,43 Return on equity in net income (Р6), % 2,09 2,57 Return on sales revenue from sales (Р7), % 2,35 7,45 Return on sales of pre-tax profit (Р8), % 1,28 1,38 Return expenses from ordinary activities for the profit on sales (return on core activities, Р9), % 2,4 6,9 - Return on assets before tax profit of R1 increased from 2007 to 2008 by 0.06 percentage points; - Return on assets for net profit increased by P2 from 2007 to 2008 by 0.1 percentage points; - Return on current assets by profit before tax increased by P3 from 2007 to 2008 by 0.05 percentage points; - Return on current assets of P4 increased net profit from 2007 to 2008 by 0.11 percentage points; - Return on equity of pre-tax profit rose P5 from 2007 to 2008 by 0.37 percentage points; - Return on equity of net profit before tax increased from R6 2007 to 2008 by 0.48 percentage points; - Return on sales revenue from sales of P7 has increased from 2007 to 2008 by 5.1 percentage points; - Return on sales before tax profit of P8 increased from 2007 to 2008 by 0.1 percentage points; - Return of expenditure on ordinary activities for the profits from sales of P9 increased from 2007 to 2008 by 4.5 percentage points. 6.2. Performance Standard value for the actual value of the industry 2006г. 2007г. 2008г. 1 Current liquidity (Total coverage ratio) 2.48 2.28 1.52 2. The interim (urgent) liquidity - 1.95 1.2 3. The superior liquidity 1.5 1.4 1.7 4. Value of own and borrowed funds 1 1.11 1.43 5. Autonomy Ratio 0.5 0.49 0.41 6.3. Thus, the coefficients show a stable position of the enterprise and its ability to modernize production
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