
Культура Великобритании, Знаменитые люди Британии, СМИ в Великобритании, Англии, Шотландия

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Chapter 1. British identity through customs, traditions, festivals, celebrities and mass media
1.1. British customs, traditions and festivals
1.2. British celebrities of the Past and Nowadays
1.3. Mass media
Chapter 2. Tests on British culture
Test 1. British customs, traditions and festivals
Test 2. British celebrities
Test 3. Mass media

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Among its main headings are Advertising/ Television/ Radio/ Press and publishing/ New media (largely the internet)/ and so on. It also has Monkey for gossip, Jobs, and Special Reports where you can find a series of articles on a particular theme e.g. digital TV, the BBC, tobacco advertising and many others.
 One can take into consideration newspapers with a very high circulation such as the Daily Mirror and the Sun which belong to “popular papers“. They hardly publish any serious material; their articles mostly deal with sex scandals and money.
 The British Sunday newspapers, such as The Observer and the Sunday Times have enormous circulation. They contain more pages than daily papers and usually publish articles concerned with comment and general information rather than news. Several Sunday papers publish a magazine supplement in color.
 The British weekly political and literary journals such as The Economist, The New Statesman and Spectators have large nationwide circulation.
 The satirically weekly, Punch, is an old British paper. It is not as popular among the young people as its rival, Private Eye.
 Besides these there are many specialist weekly and monthly magazines for women and teenage girls, for people interested in various kinds of sports and hobbies, such as yachting, tennis, model railways, gardening and cars. 
In the UK radio and television broadcasting is provided by the state-owned BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), which has a high international reputation for impartiality and objectivity.
 The BBC has five radio programmes and two television channels. Its radio and television broadcasts include news, sport, educational, cultural and entertainment programmes. The BBCґs five programmes for radio broadcasting have their specializations. As for TV programmes the BBC has two TV channels (BBC 1 and BBC 2) and two television channels (Channel 3 and Channel 4) are put out by independent commercial companies. The British are thus able to receive four TV channels. There are about a dozen regional TV companies which broadcast in their region some programmes of local interest.
There are a lot of BBC's International Commercial TV Channels, each of them having its own distinguishing features. The BBC Food channel, for example, is dedicated to food, showcasing the very best culinary programmes from across the globe, BBC Entertainment is the brand new entertainment channel, showcasing the best of British comedy and drama, Animal Planet features wildlife programmes, action-adventure, compelling real-life dramas and human and animal encounters, BBC Knowledge showcases award winning non-fictional and documentary programming from the BBC and other independent production houses, BBC Lifestyle provides a viewer’s guide to getting the most out of life, serving up six programming strands and offering a truly international window on the world, BBC World NEWS, which is a commercial international 24-hour news and information channel.
 Commercial satellite and cable TV was begun in 1990 by two companies which joined together and formed British Sky Broadcasting. 
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own newspapers. Dayly Record is Scotland's best selling daily paper. East Lothian Courier is the only newspaper printed and published in East Lothian. Scottish Socialist Voice is the weekly paper of the Scottish Socialist Party. Barry and District News (Vale of Glamorgan) , Big Leader , Border Counties Advertiser (Oswestry) , Cambrian News (Aberaeron) [English available], Campaign Series (Blackwood & Caerphilly) are just a few of Welsh mass media.
Chapter 2. Tests on British culture
Test 1. British customs, traditions and festivals
Decide whether the following statements are true or false:
British culture is absolutely uniform.
There are eight public holidays a year in Great Britain
Most of the British holidays are of religious origin.
Most of the British public holidays are movable.
The Spring Bank Holiday falls on the first Monday of May.
May Day falls on the first Friday in May.
New Year's Day is one of the most favourite holidays in the UK.
Hogmanay is a Scottish name for New Year's Eve.
The old custom of First-Footing is of English origin.
The First Foot is usually someone from outside the home.
St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of February.
Pancake Day precedes the first day of Lent.
Easter is celebrated both in the UK and Russia.
Easter eggs in England are never coloured.
April Fools’ Day is very popular with British kids.
Everybody stays at home at Late Summer Bank Holiday.
Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in Britain for over four hundred years.
Guy Fawkes was involved in criminal activities.
Remembrance Day is celebrated in Britain since 1605.
Mistletoe is often used at Christmas church ceremonies.
Father Christmas is just another name for St. Nicholas.
The giving of presents at Christmas-time is linked to pagan religious festivals of midwinter.
Boxing Day is connected with sport competitions.
Burns Night is celebrated in Wales.
The Edinburgh International Festival is held in September.
Commonwealth Arts Festival is held in a number of English, Welsh and Scottish cities.
At the Bath Festival there are no symphony concerts.
The Edinburgh International Festival is impossible without traditional Scottish music.

Test 2. British celebrities
Identify the author of the following texts if possible:
A Room of One's Own
a) D.Defoe
b) J.Austen
c) V.Woolf
a) Caedmon
b) J.Austen
c) L.Carroll
An Ideal Husband
a) G.Byron
b) D.Defoe
c) J.Austen
a) J.Milton
b) -
c) W.Shakespeare
Bleak House
a) J.Milton
b) W.Shakespeare
c) Ch.Dickens
Caedmon 's Hymn
a) -
b) W.Shakespeare
c) Caedmon
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
a) D.Defoe
b) G.Byron
c) G.Chaucer
David Copperfield
a) Ch.Dickens
b) D.Copperfield
c) Ch.Bronte
Gulliver's Travels
a) J.Swift
b) D.Defoe
c) G.Byron
a) W.Shakespeare
b) Caedmon
c) -
Jane Eyre
a) W.Shakespeare
b) J.Austen
c) Ch.Bronte
King Lear
a) W.Shakespeare
b) -
c) G.Chaucer
Lady Chatterley's Lover
a) G.Chaucer
b) G.Byron
c) D.Lawrence
The Collector
a) J.Swift
b) J.Austen
c) J.Fowles
Oliver Twist
a) R.L.Stevenson
b) Ch.Dickens
c) O.Twist
a) J.Milton
b) W.Shakespeare
c) J.Fowles
Paradise Lost
a) J.Milton
b) D.Defoe
c) J.Swift
Robinson Crusoe
a) D.Defoe
b) J.Swift
c) G.Byron
Romeo and Juliet
a) R.L.Stevenson
b) W.Shakespeare
c) Ch.Dickens
Sense and Sensibility
a) Ch.Bronte
b) G.Byron
c) J.Austen
Sons and Lovers
a) Th.Hardy
b) J.Austen
c) D.Lawrence
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
a) J.Milton
b) Th.Hardy
c) W.Shakespeare
The French Lieutenant's Woman
a) R.L.Stevenson
b) J.Fowles
c) D.Lawrence
The History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
a) J.Swift
b) J.Barnes
c) R.L.Stevenson
The Pickwick Papers
a) G.Byron
b) R.L.Stevenson
c) Ch.Dickens
The Picture of Dorian Gray
a) V.Woolf
b) O.Wilde
c) J.Barnes
The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
a) J.Swift
b) Ch.Dickens
c) R.L.Stevenson
Treasure Island
a) W.Shakespeare
b) R.L.Stevenson
c) L.Carroll
Test 3. Mass media
Punch is an old British paper popular among
elderly people
young people
all ages.
BBC stands for:
British Broadcasting Corporation
British Broadcasting Company
British Broadcasting Communications.
BBC has
only television channels
only radio programmes
both radio programmes and television channels.
Commercial TV Channels are broadcast by BBC for
British citizens only
Citizens of the EU
People all over the world.
Commercial satellite and cable TV in the UK dates back to
the 1980-ies
the 1990-ies
the 1970-ies.
East Lothian Courier is the only newspaper printed and published in
Northern Ireland.
There are great cultural differences all over the world. They do exist even in one country. The UK has got one of the greatest cultural differences, as the population of Great Britain is very different. These cultural differences encourage Scots, for example, to struggle for independence.
Taking British customs, traditions and festivals into account we can see that most of them are of Christian origin, though there are some particularities linked to pagan point of view.
Some of the British traditions (Guy Fawkes Night) are linked to historical events.
Customs and traditions are not the same throughout Great Britain.
British culture generated a great number of famous people. British literature, for example, influenced literature of many other countries.
Mass media play their significant role in British consciousness formation and evolution, but their role is great even outside the country. Many BBC programmes, for example, are targeted at communities of Canada, Australia, the USA and many other countries.
There’s no censorship in the UK. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have got their own periodicals, viewing political, social and economic news from the point of view of native Sots, Welshmen, Irishmen accordingly.

Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь. - М., 1980.
Зайцева С.Д. Early Britain. – M., 1975.
Кертман Л.Е. География, история и культура Англии. М., 1968.
Ощепкова В. В. The UK: geography, history, art… - М., 1997.
Ощепкова В. В. Язык и культура Великобритании, США, Канады, Австралии, Новой Зеландии. - М., 2004.
Томахин Г. Д. По странам изучаемого языка. - М., 1993.
British life and institutions. Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Brown speech promotes Britishness. BBC News, 14 January 2006.
Clementiyev A.G. English literature. - Moscow, 1968.
Green M. The Celtic World. - London, 1996.
Khimunina T.N. & others. Customs, traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. - Moscow, 1984.
McDowall D. An illustrated history of Britain. - London, 1995.
The future of Britishness. Fabian Society, 14 January 2006.
Brown speech promotes Britishness. BBC News, 14 January 2006.
The future of Britishness. Fabian Society, 14 January 2006.
Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь. - М., 1980. – С. 27.
Khimunina T.N. & others. Customs, traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. - Moscow, 1984.
Green M. The Celtic World. - London, 1996.
Зайцева С.Д. Early Britain. – M., 1975.
Ощепкова В. В. Язык и культура Великобритании, США, Канады, Австралии, Новой Зеландии. - М., 2004.
Ощепкова В. В. The UK: geography, history, art… - М., 1997.
McDowall D. An illustrated history of Britain. - London, 1995.
Khimunina T.N. & others. Customs, traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. - Moscow, 1984.
Зайцева С.Д. Early Britain. – M., 1975.
Khimunina T.N. & others. Customs, traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. - Moscow, 1984.
Green M. The Celtic World. - London, 1996.
Clementiyev A.G. English literature. - Moscow, 1968.
Ощепкова В. В. Язык и культура Великобритании, США, Канады, Австралии, Новой Зеландии. - М., 2004.
Томахин Г. Д. По странам изучаемого языка. - М., 1993.
British life and institutions. Prentice-Hall, 1992.

Список литературы [ всего 13]

1.Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь. - М., 1980.
2.Зайцева С.Д. Early Britain. – M., 1975.
3.Кертман Л.Е. География, история и культура Англии. М., 1968.
4.Ощепкова В. В. The UK: geography, history, art… - М., 1997.
5.Ощепкова В. В. Язык и культура Великобритании, США, Канады, Австралии, Новой Зеландии. - М., 2004.
6.Томахин Г. Д. По странам изучаемого языка. - М., 1993.
7.British life and institutions. Prentice-Hall, 1992.
8.Brown speech promotes Britishness. BBC News, 14 January 2006.
9.Clementiyev A.G. English literature. - Moscow, 1968.
10.Green M. The Celtic World. - London, 1996.
11.Khimunina T.N. & others. Customs, traditions and Festivals of Great Britain. - Moscow, 1984.
12.McDowall D. An illustrated history of Britain. - London, 1995.
13.The future of Britishness. Fabian Society, 14 January 2006.
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