
Corporate culture

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Дата создания 2011
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Источников 7
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1 The way the corporate structure can effect HR strategies
2 Variation of preferred corporate culture across the world
3 An examples of company corporate culture
List of literature

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The culture of "Intel» corporation is based on six accurately formulated principles by which employees of corporation are guided in the decision of the general problems:
Orientation to the consumer.
Readiness to run risks.
Magnificent place for work.
Orientation to the result.
«The seventh principle» for many employees - safety became some kind of «the seventh value» to corporation. Its policy in the field is based on a postulate that health and safety of the personnel above all other reasons of business.
In Econika the corporate culture developed more than 20 years. Business was organized by students-enthusiasts, therefore the basic accent in culture always was on command work and a special benevolent climate. After16 years were started "Value" project; the holding began to reveal those reference points which have developed for years of work. After it has been formulated and fixed, the special booklet was created. This booklet helps employees to be guided that in the company is welcomed and that is considered unacceptable.
In holding "Mial" there are five main values, to each of which there corresponds certain color. These colors are widely used in advertizing and in offices decoration. There are talents which are realized in work, and it allows to be free, to build valid relations both with colleagues, and with clients.
The corporate culture in retail «The Alphabet of taste» became a subject of the deserved pride of all who works now or once was its employee. Corporate culture includes recognized as the best in Russia corporate magazine, and own soccer team with the professional coach, and tradition to celebrate all holidays together (from birthdays of supermarkets before nation-wide dates), and rewarding by tourist permits of the best employees following the results of a year, and traditional friendliness of all who becomes a command part.
Experience shows that the corporate culture is the integral part of a company, it demands deep study and any investments. The companies which invest in its development, occupy the advantage position in the segment and are capable not only to involve the best experts of a labor market, but also to keep them.
List of literature
Ananieva E. Corporate culture//Management, 2010.-№9
Charles Hampoen Managing people.-Capstone publishing Ltd, 2004
Corporate culture influence to personal motivation//Human recourses management , 2008.- N 9
Ivanova S. Stimulate affect of Corporate culture // Personnel management guide , 2008.-№4
Kameron К, Kuinn R. Analysis and change of organizational culture. The Lane with English — S-pb.: Peter, 2001. — 100 p
Lapina T.A. Corporate cultire.- Omsk.:OmSU, 2005. – 96 p.
Spivak V. A. Corporate culture: the theory and practice. — S-pb.: Peter, 2001-13 p
What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
Charles Hampoen Managing people.-Capstone publishing Ltd, 2004
Kameron К, Kuinn R. Analysis and change of organizational culture. The Lane with English — S-pb.: Peter, 2001. — 100 p
Ivanova S. Stimulate affect of Corporate culture // Personnel management guide , 2008.-№4
Corporate culture influence to personal motivation//Human recourses management , 2008.- N 9
What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
Spivak V. A. Corporate culture: the theory and practice. — S-pb.: Peter, 2001-13 p
Lapina T.A. Corporate cultire.- Omsk.:OmSU, 2005. – 96 p.
Ananieva E. Corporate culture//Management, 2010.-№9

Список литературы [ всего 7]

List of literature
1.Ananieva E. Corporate culture//Management, 2010.-№9
2.Charles Hampoen Managing people.-Capstone publishing Ltd, 2004
3.Corporate culture influence to personal motivation//Human recourses management , 2008.- N 9
4.Ivanova S. Stimulate affect of Corporate culture // Personnel management guide , 2008.-№4
5.Kameron К, Kuinn R. Analysis and change of organizational culture. The Lane with English — S-pb.: Peter, 2001. — 100 p
6.Lapina T.A. Corporate cultire.- Omsk.:OmSU, 2005. – 96 p.
7.Spivak V. A. Corporate culture: the theory and practice. — S-pb.: Peter, 2001-13 p
8.What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
9.What is the best type of corporate culture// Corporate culture. 2006.- №16 (261)
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