
How to shop successfelly on Ebay/ Compare management styles of 2 diff.countries

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

From the whole business's point of view the efficacy of team work is quite good and this type of leadership improves group work quality. In the whole, democratic style of management gives the best effect, when the leader needs the advice of his team, which consists of specialists. Even when leader sees the goal and know the way, he could use this type of management for team building. The drawback of democratic type of leadership is abundance of meetings, that become boring. Every time the same ideas are discussed, but the final decision is still not made and they have to arrange new meeting. The process of decision-making in such groups is slowed down. Sometimes leaders use this type of management when they do not know what to do and they hope, that during a number of debates they would finally get the answer and make the decision. But employees in such conditions could become confused and could get the feeling that nobody rules them. The other drawback of this management style is that it could not be used, when subordinates are less competent. And, as we have seen, democratic management style is not effective during economic crisis.
In Eastern Europe two of the common types of management are autocratic and paternalistic. Autocratic type means that the leader makes decisions without much attention to subordinates. He decisions and strategies usually reflect the personality of manager and his own opinions. At the first sight this type of leadership can form an image of well-managed business, because the face of this business is closely related to one person. On the other hand, personnel may become overly dependent upon their leader and that is why management of such group could require more supervision. The other drawback of autocratic type of management is related with moral climate in company. Employees do not feel that everyone of them is important for company, they rather feel themselves like slaves, then like team. That is why this type of management is less effective then democratic. But sometimes it could be useful, for example, during reorganization of company or when leader deals with difficult worker.
Paternalistic form is similar to autocratic at one point: it is also a bit of dictatorial. But note, that paternalistic leader always takes in account the best interests of the subordinates as well as the business interests. In comparison with democratic model, paternalistic form of leadership has one thing in common with it: downward communication has feedback. It is quite important for maintain morale in company, to provide empathy and develop a kind of team. This leadership style is useful, when loyalty from employees is needed. One of the mechanisms of paternalistic management is emphasis on social needs. Also this type of management is significantly more effective then autocratic, because it gives workers motivation and forms connection between leader and the people, who a managed. In autocratic model there is no such connection, that leads to lack of workers motivation. The disadvantage of paternalist management style is its emphasis on encouragement. It could lead to mediocre quality of employees work.
Thereby, we see, that in different countries according to their historical peculiarities different types of management have been developed. Each of them has it's advantages and drawbacks and each of them could be useful in different situations. The best is to use the appropriate management style dependent on particular conditions and particular team.
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