
Анализ рынка "Fast Food" в России

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1.1 Creation and development of a fast food (fast food)
1.2 Current condition of fast food in Russia
1.3 Franchise as the new concept of development of fast food
2.1 General characteristic of fast food market
2.2 Segmentation of the market
2.3 Price policy
2.4 Competitive environment
2.5 Product promotion on the market
2.6 Development prospects of fast food in Russia

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In conjunction with the introduction of the McCafe premium coffees, reinvestment was needed in many restaurants to accommodate the new equipment required to prepare these beverages as well as facilitate the national introduction of smoothies and frays in mid-2010. In most cases, this reinvestment involved expanding and optimizing the efficiency of the drive-thru booth, enabling us to better serve even more customers faster.
Cash from operations continues to benefit from evolution toward a more heavily franchised business model as the rent and royalty income received from owner/operators is a very stable revenue stream that has relatively low costs, and is less capital intensive.
All the restaurants in Russia are owned by McDonald’s. At this moment there are no franchise restaurants. Due to restrictions on capital transfer McDonald’s Russia invested all its profits in the property in Russia and established all the restaurants itself. McDonald’s is planning to sell some of the restaurants in the future and start franchising its restaurants.
The processing and distributive centre
– To supply the demand for quality McDonald’s products, the company created "McComplex”
– “McComplex” is a 100,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art food processing plant making everything from French fries to hamburger buns for McDonald’s Russian restaurants.
– It is located in one of the Moscow regions named “Solntsevo”.
– All the necessary products are supplied to all restaurants of company “McDonald's“ in Russia from this centre.
– The plant has its own lines of meat and rolls production. It also possesses a laboratory of the quality control and the sales department. McComplex employs more than 450 people.
– Potato food products are also supplied to restaurants from the potato processing plant (potato storage and French fries line) of the centre.
The processing and distributive centre – “McComplex” continues to be a centralized distribution centre supplying all of McDonald's restaurants in Russia, as well as restaurants in 17 other countries including Belorussia, Ukraine, Moldova, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, and Austria.
“McComplex " purchases raw materials from more than 100 Russian suppliers, who strictly follow standards of Russian Federation and standards of “McDonald's ".
McDonalds normally does not deal with food processing because it considers its core business to be operating restaurants. The company realized, however, that to be successful in Russia, becoming involved
in food processing was necessary.
Potato suppliers
– Over 70 % of raw ingredients needed for McDonald's Russian restaurants are purchased from more than 100 independent Russian and C.I.S suppliers who follow McDonald's strictly controlled quality standards in their food processing operations.
The company informed us that their current supplier of all potato products is McCain and that potatoes are coming from Holland
Other product suppliers are:
– "Pensensky Myasopticekombinat” is a supplier of high quality beef for McDonald’s in Russia.
– “Moscowsky Kombinat Chleboproduktov” is a supplier of flour for McDonald’s.
– Agricultural firm “Belaya Dacha” is a supplier of high quality vegetables for McDonald's in Russia. The cooperation between McDonald’s and “Belaya Dacha” began in 1990.
The most important goal of McDonald’s in Russia is to fully satisfy needs of the visitors. The company searches for ways of increasing business effectiveness, reduction prices and concentrates its efforts on a constant improvement of the customer service.
The purpose of McDonald's in Russia is to be the producer, who has the most optimum but not the lowest expenditures in the industry, since the company strives to satisfy promises of high quality.
Company will continue to drive success in 2010 and beyond by remaining focused on “better, not just bigger” strategy and the key drivers of exceptional customer experiences—People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. Global System is energized by ongoing momentum, strong competitive position and growth opportunities.
McDonald's marketing mix is strategic because of the diverse approaches that are used. First, in identifying the "four P's" of marketing addressed earlier (product, price, promotion, and placement), research shows that McDonald's is very careful in making decisions that effect each area and/or how each area effects the other.). McDonald's is concerned about how the firm will fulfill the needs and wants of its customers and in the activities associated with maintaining the relationships with its stakeholders. McDonald's stakeholders include customers, franchisees, suppliers, employees, and the local communities surrounding them.
Customer Perception and Customer Expectation
Customer perception is a key factor affecting a product’s success. Many potentially revolutionary products have failed simply because of their inability to build a healthy perception about themselves in the customers’ minds. McDonalds being an internationally renowned brand brings with it certain expectations for the customers.
Customers expect it to be an ambient, hygienic and a little sophisticated brand that respects their values. The customer’s expect the brand to enhance their self-image. Customer responses obtained and confirmed the fact that they connect strongly with the brand. However, fulfilling some of the customer expectations like a broader product variety provide McDonald’s a great scope for improvement.
Product: How should the company design, manufacture the product so that it enhances the customer experience
Picture 3.1 – Product success
Product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. Product includes certain aspects such as packaging, guarantee, looks etc. This includes both the tangible and the non- tangible aspects of the product and service.
McDonalds has intentionally kept its product depth and product width limited.. McDonalds continuously innovates its products according to the changing preferences and tastes of its customers.
The Russian menu is mostly the same as in the United States, with the addition of cabbage pies and a few other traditional Russian food items. French fries is the only product of McDonald's in Russia where potatoes are used.
Orange juice
Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola Light
Milk shakes
Ice-cream with filling
Salad consisting of iceberg lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, bacon bits with different dressings
Salad made up of different vegetables
French fries
Chicken McNuggets®
Quarter Pounder® with Cheese
Double Royal Cheeseburger®
Royal Cheeseburger
Big Mac®
Place: Where should be the product be available and the role of distribution channels?
The place mainly consists of the distribution channels. It is important so that the product is available to the customer at the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. Nearly 50% is within a 3 minute drive from a McDonald’s outlet.
There is a certain degree of fun and happiness that a customer feels each time he dines at McDonalds. There are certain value propositions that McDonalds offer to its customers based on their needs. McDonalds offers hygienic environment, good ambience and great service. Now McDonalds have also started giving internet facility at their centers and they have been playing music through radio instead of the normal music. There are certain dedicated areas for children where they can play while their parents can have some quality time together.
McDonald's focuses on store placement and are always looking for the best locations. This strategy created some weakness in the last 10 years because it seemed that too many stores were put in some areas, cannibalizing sales from the other McDonald's . The company has also made convenience a focus, not only through how fast it serves customers, but also in the location of its outlets.
Price: What should be the pricing strategy?
Picture 3.2 – Price policy
Pricing includes the list price, the discount functions available, the financing options available etc. It should also take into the consideration the probable reaction from the competitor to the pricing strategy. This is the most important part of the marketing mix as this is the only part which generates revenue. All the other three are expenses incurred. The price must take into consideration the appropriate demand-supply equation.
McDonald’s came up with a very catchy punch line. This was to attract the middle and lower class consumers and the effect can clearly be seen in the consumer base McDonalds has now.
McDonalds has certain value pricing and bundling strategies such as happy meal, combo meal, family meal etc to increase overall sales volumes.
Promotion: What is the suitable strategy and channels for promotion of the product?
Picture 3.3 – Marketing mix
The various promotion channels being used by McDonald’s to effectively communicate the product information are given above. A clear understanding of the customer value helps decide whether the cost of promotion is worth spending.
There are three main objectives of advertising for McDonald’s are to make people aware of an item, feel positive about it and remember it. The right message has to be communicated to the right audience through the right media. McDonald’s does its promotion through television, hoardings and bus shelters. They use print ads and the television programs are also an important marketing medium for promotion.
McDonald's knows that some customers go to its stores to take a quick break from their day's activities and not because McDonald's made the food ten seconds faster than their competitors could. Therefore, McDonald's marketing executives then put together the phrase, "Have you had your break today?" They continued to develop this idea with "You deserve a break today," and now are in the "I'm Lovin' It!" mantra. "I'm Lovin' It!" doesn't seem to have as much punch as the earlier catch phrase, which still seems to be the favorite. McDonald's sees the use of these catch phrases and the use of the Golden Arches as a very successful way of differentiating the restaurants from other fast food competitors. McDonald's has taken price competition out of the picture because the customer feels they have gotten quality, convenience, service, and value - and McDonald's still makes you feel like you are getting a break in your hectic day. Creating catch phrases are only one kind of promotion, and McDonald's uses many kinds of promotions to keep the restaurants at the top of the industry.
With the rise of health consciousness it has become more difficult McDonald's to compete because their reputation brands them as cheap food served fast . The firm's response to obesity claims against the organization and other unfavorable public sediment is to add healthier items to their menu and promote and offer health-conscious alternatives to the "would you like fries with that" legacy. In addition, McDonald's has modernized their advertisements, pamphlets, and website to include nutritional information and addressing diet restrictions. Breaking the unhealthy association is difficult on its own, but with media and movies such as "Supersize Me" adding to the fray, McDonald's has had to look for alternative strategies to keep consumers happy.
Another promotional strategy McDonald's uses is the huge investment in sponsorship. This is also a central part of the image building process. Sponsorship of the 1998 football World Cup, the Premier League and the European Championships increases awareness of McDonald's brand. However, McDonald's still follows Ray Kroc's community beliefs today, supporting the Tidy Britain Group and the Groundwork Trust, as well as local community activities. McDonald's has become a known community partner with Ronald McDonald Houses across the nation for the use of families whose children are hospitalized and getting treatment far from home). This organization has created an image of partnership and community investment with these and other kinds of philanthropic activities.
Determining which way to market McDonald's and its products is a very important decision that can either cause products to fail or take flight. These same decisions must be made in regards to the marketing of the company as a whole. Strategy is the name of this game.
McDonald's, over the years, has also ran many promotions to increase traffic or product sales. For instance,
People: How to converge the benefits of internal and external marketing?
McDonald’s understands the value of both its employees and its customers. It understands the fact that a happy employee can serve well and result in a happy customer.
McDonald continuously does Internal Marketing. This is important as it must precede external marketing. This includes hiring, training and motivating able employees. This way they serve customers well and the final result is a happy customer level of importance has changed to be in the following order (the more important people are at the top):
1. Customers
2. Front line employees
3. Middle level managers
4. Front line managers
The punch line “I’m loving it” is an attempt to show that the employees are loving their work at McDonalds and will love to serve the customers
The McDonald’s Experience
Marketing in a services industry is becoming an increasingly complex challenge. The paradigms of service marketing demand a passionate understanding of customer expectations and perceptions, and linking them to product design & delivery as well as operational planning. This is where McDonald’s has excelled due to its ability to successfully integrate the customer’s perspective in its products and operations in a comprehensive manner. The operational integration is evident from McDonald’s emphasis on its suppliers as its customers as well as its treatment of its consumers as co- producers of services.
The ultimate aim of Service Marketing is not just to become a Service Leader but to create a Service Brand. The Service Delivery Process is the key to achieving this aim of Service Marketing
Picture 3.3 – Core product
During the Service Delivery Process, each moment of interaction between the firm and the customer, called “Moments of Truth”, helps understand the opportunities that a firm has to win or lose the customer. For example, these “moments of truth” are created for McDonald’s every time the guard at the McDonald’s outlet meets the customer, every time an attendant takes down the order from the customer waiting in the queue, every time the cashier interacts with the customer, every time the attendant helps the customer guided the customer towards the table, every time the attendant cleans the table, etc.
Picture 3.4 –Distribution
Managing these “moments of truth” is a great challenge in Service Marketing especially due to customer’s involvement as a co-producer of services (e.g. McDonald’s self-service concept wherein the customer not only collects the order but also cleans the table after consuming the food). However, McDonald's has been able to create a great experience for its customers by understanding the nature of the entire Service Delivery Process and the various stages in the process that are exposed to the customers. Transparency in the processes at its outlet has helped McDonald’s bring the back office in its outlet at the front so that the customer is able to know the operations and provide feedback on service design improvements.
Internal Customer Focus is equally important as External Customer Orientation in order to win these “moments of truth”. McDonald’s focus on its People and their service delivery methods therefore plays a very important role in creating a successful Service Brand. The quality and the consistency of the service delivered by McDonald’s have been greatly enhanced by the combination of the factors mentioned above. This has helped McDonald’s become Service Leader and a successful Service Brand. This is evident from the fact that very few of its customers opt for take-home parcels or home deliveries while most of them prefer to eat at the outlet and enjoy the McDonald’s experience.
Importance of PLC in McDonalds
The requirements of customers change over time and thus the product offering has to be changed accordingly. What is the fashion today may be out of market within few weeks. Thus continuous innovation is required
Picture 3.5 – Product life cycle
To counter these changes McDonalds has continuously introduced new products and has phased out the old ones which were at the decline stage of their PLC. The introduction is timed such that the new product does not cannibalize the product already in the maturity or growth stage. Thus the secret lies in getting profits with different products in the different stages of the PLC.
Picture 3.6 – Example of revitalizing a product in decline phase
A perfect example of revitalizing a product in decline phase - French Fries
The French Fries have been an important part of the McDonalds menu worldwide. But now it was in the stage of decline and was actually not generating proper return. In an attempt to revitalize it, a new variant was introduced namely Shake Shake Fries. This is being served with chatpata spice mix which has resulted in increase in the sales of French Fries and has elevated it from to the decline stage. This is used to delay the decline of a well established product which has the potential of generating further revenue.
. McDonald's marketing strategies should be looked at historically in order to see the larger picture of the firm's success. There have been so many strategies since the inception of the firm that it is difficult to account for them all, the two most memorable are the development of the "Golden Arches" and "Ronald McDonald". These two icons have given customers a mental image of what to look for when they want quality food for a low price fast.
The firm revolutionized the fast food industry and positioned itself as the market leader with low-priced, quality food and provided an entertaining atmosphere for the children
Distribution, Channel Management, and Logistics. A company the size of McDonald's requires the value chain to be increasingly important. Not only does McDonald's want to add value for the customers, but also the firm looks for ways to improve the operations that makes McDonald's a more efficient business.
McDonald's is constantly striving to add value to the firm for their customers, and in doing so, the firm has created efficiency in getting the products to the customers quickly and as fresh as possible.
McDonald's is constantly looking for ways to improve and is successful because of the continuous updates on equipment, improvement on serving time, and in finding more ways than one to satisfy customers. McDonald's constantly works to satisfy customers by developing new products to appeal to customers of various regions, and backgrounds. Recently, McDonald's introduced a variety of salads to appeal to the healthier conscious customers. In addition, they alter their menu to fit into various countries cultures. For example, they offer beer, a cultural staple, to consumers who frequent the restaurants in Germany.
McDonald's value chain is unique because of the rare need to depend upon other companies for supplies. The firm owns nearly every portion of the value chain including warehouses, delivery trucks, and the real estate where their restaurants built. Restaurant chains encounter many obstacles in maintaining their business, but the most common obstacle is the logistical planning in getting food and supplies. McDonald's established warehouses within a reasonable proximity to all of their restaurants to solve some of the logistical problems it had experienced. This, along with owning the warehouses allows the restaurants to get all of the needs met in one shipment and not deal with multiple suppliers. This, of course, does not eliminate the need for suppliers, but it has eliminated the need to coordinate paper products deliveries with meat deliveries.
Suppliers are a critical part of the value chain. McDonald's considers product quality to be the most important aspect and sets its standards among the highest in the food industry built. The firm's mutual effort with suppliers and franchisees to develop and improve products and production techniques enables McDonald's to meet the high quality standards; thus sharing in the growth and success of the restaurant. This growth and continued success, and the elimination of too many intermediaries, has allowed McDonald's to pass that value along to the customer. Every dollar spent in getting the goods to the customer causes prices to rise.
Picture 3.7 – SWOT Analysis
McDonald's determined to build on competitive advantages, investing in brand to energize future performance. McDonald's continue to pursue opportunities to extend relevance with a particular emphasis on three key areas: service enhancements, restaurant reimaging and menu innovation. With service, McDonald's will leverage technology to make it easier for managers and crew to quickly and accurately serve the customer. To enhance brand perception and drive higher sales and returns, McDonald's are accelerating interior and exterior reimaging efforts around the world. And McDonald's will innovate at every tier of menu to sustain momentum and create excitement for customers.
In addition to customer-focused strategies, success is the direct result of people—owner/operators, suppliers and Company employees. The best plans are only as good as the people who execute them.
Picture 3.8 – Problem faced in McDonald’s
McDonalds failed to recognize the changing trend in customer’s preferences to better tasting, fresher food. This trend led to new sub markets emerging for tastier, fresher and fast food perceived as healthier. A few of the smaller/privately owned competitors were able to operate in niche markets selling gourmet sandwiches and salads. The emergence of smaller restaurants offering easy access to exotic foods such as sushi and burritos and created a more specialized niche market.
With the emergence of these sub-markets and niche markets, McDonalds started losing market share. It now had to share its fast-food mass market with these newly created markets. Even though these restaurant chains were small in size, their growth opportunities presented a potential threat to McDonalds. They operated on service that was better than McDonalds at the same time providing better tasting food, which led to an increase in its sales. This sector was in the early stages of growth where as McDonalds was past the maturity stage.
Picture 3.9 – Improvement required
Company should intend to further differentiate brand, increase customer visits and grow market share by pursuing initiatives in three key areas: service enhancement, restaurant reimaging and menu innovation. These efforts will include leveraging technology to make it easier for restaurant staff to quickly and accurately serve customers, accelerating interior and exterior reimaging efforts and innovating at every tier of menu to deliver great taste and value to customers.
Strategies include strengthening core menu and value offerings, aggressively pursuing new growth opportunities in chicken, breakfast, beverages and snacking options, and elevating the brand experience. Initiatives include highlighting the enduring appeal of core menu classics such as the Big Mac, emphasizing the value menu offers all-day-long including the new breakfast value menu, and encouraging the trial of new products with the Mac Snack Wrap and—by mid-year—frays and smoothies. In addition, plans to elevate the brand experience encompass updating technology with a new point of sale system, enhancing restaurant manager and crew retention and productivity, and initiating a multi-year program to contemporize the interiors and exteriors of restaurants through reimaging, completing about 500 in 2010. These efforts combined with the convenience of locations, optimized drive-thru service, free wireless service and longer operating hours will further reinforce McDonald’s position as an easy, enjoyable eating-out experience.
Company should leverage technologies such as self-order kiosks, hand-held order devices and drive-thru customer order displays to enhance the customer experience and help speed service. Also it should be further enhance local relevance by complementing tiered-menu with limited-time food events as well as new snack and dessert options. Finally, it should remain approachable and accessible to educate consumers about the quality and origin of food and communicate sustainable business practices.
Fast food has come a long way since its humble origins in Roman times in the UK. It’s become a way of life for many people, and a multi billion pound industry. The development of fast food into the big business it is today can probably be traced back to America. Although there was undoubtedly fast food all over the world in some shape or form many centuries ago, it really started to become a business enterprise when social, manufacturing and economic conditions made it cheaper to eat out.
Fast food is growing. This growth is expected to continue into the next decade as tourism continues to rise and the stable macroeconomic conditions produce rapid growth of infrastructure and rising personal incomes. As consumer spending continues to grow people will opt for consumer food services, finding them convenient and time- and effort-saving. Cities will be the areas where consumer foodservice grows most dynamically, both in value and volume terms. The fast-food market should remain an attractive sphere for investment in the near future, although this is hardly the time for any "economic miracle" to occur in Russia.
There are many competitors in the Russian fast food market including McDonald’s, Rostick’s.
Expert magazine reports that there are currently 700 restaurants and cafes in Moscow. For a city with a population of 9 million, this is a tiny figure. Analysts say Moscow easily has room for about 20 to 30 restaurant chains, each possessing about 10 locations. Paris, for instance, has some 52,000 restaurants. And because only 1.5 percent of the Russian population can afford to spend money in a fancy restaurant, the rest are potential fast-food customers.
Russkoye Bistro, Sbarro, Mobile “Stop-top” units, Kroshka-Kartoshka, Teremok Russian Bliny, and KFC, which are amongst the biggest players. McDonald’s is by far the biggest fast food operator in Russia, and one of the oldest, entering the market back in 1990. They now operate more than175 outlets across the country, with more than 100 in Moscow. Russia was the fifth most profitable market in Europe, and by far the most profitable in Eastern Europe.
One of the greatest attributes of McDonald's is its "everyday affordability" message that drives customers to McDonald's restaurants. The marketing mix of a company consists of the various elements as follows which form the core of a company’s marketing system and hence helps to achieve marketing objectives. The Service marketing mix in the case of McDonald’s is as below
Product :- McDonald’s places considerable emphasis on developing a menu which customers want. Market research establishes exactly what this is. However, customers’ requirements change over time. In order to meet these changes, McDonald’s has introduced new products and phased out old ones, and will continue to do so. Care is taken not to adversely affect the sales of one choice by introducing a new choice, which will cannibalise sales from the existing one (trade off). McDonald’s knows that items on its menu will vary in popularity. Their ability to generate profits will vary at different points in their cycle.
Price :- The customer’s perception of value is an important determinant of the price charged. Customers draw their own mental picture of what a product is worth. A product is more than a physical item, it also has psychological connotations for the customer. The danger of using low price as a marketing tool is that the customer may feel that quality is being compromised. It is important when deciding on price to be fully aware of the brand and its integrity.
Promotion :- The promotions aspect of the marketing mix covers all types of marketing communications One of the methods employed is advertising, Advertising is conducted on TV, radio, in cinema, online, using poster sites and in the press for example in newspapers and magazines. Other promotional methods include sales promotions, point of sale display, merchandising, direct mail, loyalty schemes, door drops, etc. The skill in marketing communications is to develop a campaign which uses several of these methods in a way that provides the most effective results. For example, TV advertising makes people aware of a food item and press advertising provides more detail. This may be supported by in-store promotions to get people to try the product and a collectable promotional device to encourage them to keep on buying the item.
At McDonalds the prime focus is on targeting children. In happy meals too which are targeted at children small toys are given along with the meal. Apart from this, various schemes for winning prices by way of lucky draws and also scratch cards are given when an order is placed on the various mean combos.
Place :- Place, as an element of the marketing mix, is not just about the physical location or distribution points for products. It encompasses the management of a range of processes involved in bringing products to the end consumer. McDonald’s outlets are very evenly spread throughout the cities making them very accessible. Drive in and drive through options make McDonald’s products further convenient to the consumers.
People :-The employees in Mc Donalds have a standard uniform and Mc Donalds specially focuses on friendly and prompt service to its customers from their employees.
Process :-The food manufacturing process at Mc Donalds is completely transparent i.e. the whole process is visible to the customers. In fact, the fast food joint allows its customers to view and judge the hygienic standards at Mc Donalds by allowing them to enter the area where the process takes place. The customers are invited to check the ingredients used in food.
Physical evidence :- McDonalds focuses on clean and hygienic interiors of is outlets and at the same time the interiors are attractive and the fast food joint maintains a proper decorum at its joints.
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Franchise market overview // http://www.beboss.ru/franchise/articles/76
Franchise market overview // http://www.beboss.ru/franchise/articles/76
Franchising market review // http://www.beboss.ru/franchise/articles/76
Franchising market review // http://www.beboss.ru/franchise/articles/76
Franchising market review // http://www.beboss.ru/franchise/articles/76
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Fast-promotion. Или продвижение в фаст-фудах. http://guest-marketing.com/restorannyj/1459-Fast-promotion.Iliprodvizhenievfast-fudah..html
Nikolayev S.Fast-eating Russians never fed up with Western brands// Pravda, 2010
Russian fasr food market tendencies // Tendencies, .2010
Catering and fast food market research // Space research center, Saint-Petersburg, 2009
Russian fasr food market tendencies // Tendencie, .2010
Josh Wilson The Fast Food Phenomenon. Russia's Other Booming Market//SRAS, 2004
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Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
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Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Nelson, J., 2003; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com
Ferrel, O. C. & Hartline, M. D., 2005; www.mcdonalds.com

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